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Laramie County Clerk Debra Lee Caught Being Corrupt Or Inept

According to the Carbon County Republican Party, the Carbon County Republican Party Executive Committee are deeply concerned over what appears to be questionable composition of the formal proclamation—primary election ballots, as well as the certified results from the Laramie County Clerk, Debra Lee. During the 2018 and the 2020 election cycle, and new evidence that has become known recently, it is the unanimous opinion that, as out-lined in W.S. 22-4-101. Application; composition, election and qualifications of county central committees; certificate of election. ” each political party is each precinct shall choose one (1)committeeman and (1) committee woman for each two hundred fifty (250) votes or major fraction thereof cast for the party’s candidate for proclamation.

The county clerk shall publish at least once in a newspaper of general circulation and each county in which all or part of the proposed district is situated a proclamation setting forth the date of the election, what count clerk is the filling officer, thequesiotn of formation, what offices are to be filled including the terms of the officers, the filing period for the offices and other pertinent election information.

Minor errors in the proclamation shall not invalidate the forthcoming election.

The formal proclamation by the Laramie County Clerk Debra Lee, that was on May 21, 2020, showed the following precincts were assigned the following number of Republican Precinct Representatives to appear on the 2020 primary ballot by the Laramie County Clerk, Debra Lee.

They are as follows:

Precinct 2-2=two Republican Precinct Committeewoman and two committeemen-4 total Precinct representative.

Precinct 2-6=three Republican Precinct Committeewomen and three committeemen – 6 total Precinct Representatives.

Precinct 3-1=two Republican Precinct Committee women and two Committeemen – 4 total Precinct Representatives.

Precinct 3-6=two Republican Precinct Committeewomen and two Committeemen – 4 total Precinct Representatives.

Precinct 3-8=two Republican Precinct Committeewomen and two Committeemen – 4 total Precinct Representatives.

Precinct 3-13=two Republican Precinct Committeewomen and two Committeemen – 4 total Precinct Representatives.

Precinct 4-6=three Republican Precinct Committeewomen and three Committeemen – 6 total Precinct representatives.

Precinct 4-8=two republican Precinct Committee women and two committeemen – 4 total Precinct Representatives.

Precinct 5-3=two Republican Precinct Committee women and two Committeemen – 4 total Precinct Representatives.

Precinct 5-4=three Republican Precinct Committee women and three Committeemen – 6 total Precinct Representatives.

As this shows in the 2018 general election results for the Republican Party’s candidate for representative in Congress, (Laramie County Clerk and Wyoming Secretary of State results, to have been correct, valid, and legal IAW: W.S. 22-4-101 the following Laramie County Precincts Should have been assigned the following number of Republican Precinct representatives by Laramie County Clerk Debra Lee, to appear on the 2020 primary ballot. But that did not happen.

This is what they should have been, to have been legal and proper, true and correct.

(Precinct 2-2=1, Republican Precinct Committee women and 1, Committeemen -2 total Precinct Representatives.)

Precinct 2-2 in 2018 votes for U.S. Rep (R) is 35. Sets of 250 votes 1,408. The whole Count of votes is 250 votes. Major Fraction of 250 votes is -0-, and Precinct Reps set total with just 1, with Precinct Reps as just two.

(Precinct 2-6 =2, Republican Precinct Committeewomen and 2, COmmitteemen – 4 total Precinct Representatives.)

Precinct 2-6 2018 votes for US. Rep (R) 907, Sets of 250 votes is 3628, The Whole count of 250 votes is 3, Major Count of votes 250 is 3, Major Fraction of 250 votes is 1, Precinct Rep Sets Total just 4, Precicnt Reps total is 8.

(Precinct 3-1=1 Republican Precinct Committeewomen and 1 Committeemen -2 total Precinct representatives).

Precinct 3-1 2018 Votes for U.S. Rep (R) was 300, Sets of 250 votes is 1.2, The WHole Count of 250 votes is 1, Major Fraction of 250 votes is 0, Precinct Rep Sets total just 1, and Precinct reps total just 2.

Precinct 3-6=1 republican Precinct Committeewomen and 1 Committeemen -2 total Precinct Represenatives.

Precinct 3-6 2018 votes for U.S. Rep (R) was 310, Sets of250 votes is 1.24, and Whole Count of 250 votes was just 1 with Major Fraction of 250 votes at 0, Precinct Rep sets total-1, Precinct Reps just total 2.

Precinct 3-8 =1 Republican Precinct Committee women and 1 Committeemen – 2 total Precinct Representatives.

Precinct 3-8, 2018, voted for U.S. Rep (r) with 309, Sets of 250 votes at 1,236, The whole Count of votes are 250 votes is 1, Major Fration of 250 voted is 0, Precinct Rep sets Total just 1, Precinct Reps total 2.

Precinct 3-13 =1 Republican Precinct Committeewomen and 1 Committeemen – 2 total Precinct Representatives.

Precinct 3-13 2018 votes for U.S. Rep (R) was 330, Sets of 250 votes is 1.32, The whole Count of 250 voted is 1, Major Fraction of 250 votes is 0, Precinct Rep sets total just 1, Precinct Reps total is 2.

Precinct 4-6=4 Republican Precinct Committeewomen and 4 Committeemen – 8 total Precinct Representatives.

Precint 4-6 2018 votes for U.S. Rep (R) was 880, Sets of 250 votes is 3.52, the Whole Count of 250 votes is 3 Major fraction of 250 votes is just 1, The Precinct Rep Set Totals just 4, and the Precinct Reps total is 8.

Precinct 4-8=1 Republican Precinct Committeewomen and 1 Committeemen – 2 total Precinct Representatives.

Precinct 4-8 2018 votes for U.S. Rep (R) 326 Sets of 250 votes is 1,304, The Whole Count of 250 votes is just 1, Major Fraction of 250 votes is 0, Precinct Rep sets total is 1, and Precinct Reps totals 2.

Precinct 5-3=3 Republican Precinct Committeewomen and 3 Committeemen -6 total Precinct representatives.

Precint 5-3 2018 votes for U.S. (R) 704, Sets of 250 votes was 2,816, WHole Count of 250 votes was 2, Major Fraction of 250 votes is 1, Precinct Rep sets total-just 3, Precinct Reps total 6.

Precinct 5-4=4 republican Precinct Committee women and 4 Committeemen – 8 total Precinct Representatives.

Precinct 5-4, 2018 voted for U.S. Rep (R) 977, Sets of 250 votes was 3,908, Whole Count of 250 votes is 3, Major Fraction of 250 votes is 3, Precinct rep sets total was 4, Precinct Reps total 8

So based on these figures it is clear from the Laramie County Primary Proclamation, and the 2020 Partisan primary ballots published by the Laramie County Clerk Debra Lee, that no less than 10 republican precincts were allotted the incorrect amount of partisan precinct representation in direct violation of W.S. 22-4-101.

In Conducting a full investigation into both party’s precinct allotments, you will find that the number of incorrectly allotted precincts for the Laramie County Democratic party is 20 precincts.

This improper ballot makes up much more than the “Minor errors in the proclamation shall not invalidate the forthcoming election.” This is covered in W.S. 22-29-110 as it constitutes nearly half (46%) of the total precincts in Larmaie County, which is (28 of 61 precincts, 2 precincts having errors on both party ballots in the same precinct = 30 precinct ballots affected) in Laramir County (46% of total Laramie County Precincts.)

Furthermore, the failure of Laramie County Clerk Debra Lee to properly and accurately assess, produce, and proclaim the statutorily required information to properly conduct the election process in Laramie County under the Wyoming Election code, caused and resulted in erroneous official county election ballots being produced, distributed to, and voted on by the electorate of the aforementioned 28 precincts (2 precincts having errors on both party ballots in the same precinct =30 precincts ballots directly affected.) Laramie County (46% ot total Laramie County Precincts).

Additionally, because of this lack of adherence to Wyoming Election Code by Laramie County CLerk Debra Lee, the 2020 partisan primary ballots were formatted, distributed, voted on, tabulated, and certified with violations of Wyoming Election Code present on every Republican ballot in these 1- precincts (and 20 precincts in the Democrat party).

All of this resulted in a now certified election outcome of 20 individual Republican Precinct Representative positions and 46 individual Democrat Precinct Representative positions in the Laramie County parties being either over represented or underrepresented, directly due to the negligence and or inablity of the Laramie County Clerk Debra Lee to properly prepare for and conduct the election process in Laramie County under Wyoming Election Code.

This is how bad that Debra Lee, Laramie County Clerk, screwed up:

In comparison, in 2016 under Laramie County clerk Debbye Lathrop, the. Election Proclamation and Primary ballots contained only one error.

Laramie County clerk Debra Lee was appointed by the Laramie County Commissioners on June 8th, 2016, after the 2016 Election Proclamation and Primary Ballots were formatted and published with almost no errors by then-clerk Lathrop.

In 2018, under Laramie County Clerk Debra Lee, the Election Proclamation and Primary Ballots contained 24 individual errors across 10 precicts and 2 political parties.

It gets worse.

In 2020, under Laramie County Clerk Debra Lee, the Election Proclamation and Primary Ballots contained 66 individual errors across 28 precincts and 2 political parties. (2 precincts having errors on both party ballots in the same precinct = 30 precinct ballots affected.

The above issues give grave concern over the security, accuracy, and integrity of our elections in Wyoming.

These issues are now proven through the above-referenced data, to be presented while preparing, conducting, and certifying our elections themselves. Regardless, whether the issues are a result of complacency, neglect, or ineptitude does not matter as much as the fact that they are gross violations of Wyoming Election Code and have been perpetrated by the very individual known as the Chief Election Office of the County. W.S. 22-2-103. That would be Debra Lee.

The very obvious statutory violations stand as an unfortunate example of the ever-increasing cases of “election irregularities”. We are seeing nationwide that are tantamount to election integrity concerns being present in the conduct of the elections.

Not that election integrity concerns committed by the voting public itself, but unchecked election integrity concerns perpetrated against the legitimate voting public, committed by the very individual who is chosen, entrusted, and charged by statue as well as their oath of office, with the responsibility of accurately, properly, and legally preparing, conducting and certifying our elections.

In February of 2021, the Wyoming Republican Party State Central Committee passed a resolution calling on Wyoming lawmakers to develop an election audit system comprised of a results audit system made up of results audit as well as a process audit.

As is reflected in the fact, the proposed audit system is an obvious necessity as it seems that there is no standardized mechanism currently being used by the Laramie County Clerk Debra Lee, or the Wyoming Secretary of State’s election Division to verify the accuracy and legitimacy of election proclamations, ballot postitioin allotments, or elections results being submitted by the Laramie County Clerk Debra Lee, nor does the presence of statutory requirement seem to compel a County Clerk to make sure that procedural integrity or accuracy is present during elections.

In light of the overwhelming support by the Wyoming Republican Party in their intent to pursue fair and secure election processes, as well as hold accountable any individual, department, or political subdivision that violated the Wyoming Election Code, associated statues, or processes for any reason, the members of the Carbon County Republican Party Executive Committee calls for an immediate investigation of Laramie County Clerk Debra Lee for possible multiple violations of Wyoming Election Code W.S. Title-22 during the 2018 and 2020 election cycles that resulted n improper and illegal ballots being produced, distributed, voted on, and tabulated, which ultimately resulted in erroneous, internal functions and structural formation, as it is obvious by the facts presented that some of the administrators of Laramie County are either unable or unwilling to accuretl, legally fairly, perform these duties with precision and integrity for a political party, even in consideration of thei individual oaths of offic or when the respondibilities, requirement, and processes are clearly outlined in state statue law.

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