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Natrona County Sheriff Deputy Dexter Bryant Saves Two Lives

A Deputy Sheriff Deputy from the Natrona County Sheriff’s Office saved the lives of two women who were rafting on the North Platte River when suddenly their raft got punctured and suddenly sank below.

Saturday July 10, 2021, Five individuals were riding on the raft at the time and none of the five were wearing any type of flotation vests.

Of the five, one individual rafter swam to shore, and two other rafters could get to an island that was in the middle of the river.

The remaining two rafters grabbed a tree branch and were not able to lift them selves out of the water as they both were weak from fighting the swift, rapid water.

Several calls when out to the 911 dispatch center, who dispatched Sheriff Deputy Dexter Bryant and Sgt Mark Bohr to respond to the area.

Both Sheriff Officers positioned themselves a bit down stream a ways with a rescue rope.

The women were fearful that they would drown as they could not hold on much longer as they were getting weaker by the second. Natrona County Sheriff Deputy Dexter Bryant made a split-second decision and proceeded to stripped himself of his Law Enforcement gear, put on a life vest himself and then waded into the river and swam to where the women were.

Deputy Bryant got both women to the shore of the island for others to then assist them.

Deputy Bryant put his own life in danger to save the lives of two individuals whom he did not know. The years of training classes and the will and determination to preserve someone ‘s life shows how selfless professionalism and quick-thinking Natrona County Sheriff Deputy Dexter Bryant was.

This is an example of the dedication of professionalism that the Wyoming Sheriff Deputies have. In Wyoming, you can count on the Law Enforcement to Serve and Protect. And this day, Natrona County Sheriff Deputy Dexter Bryant did just that and put his life on the line for others to benefit from.

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