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Wild Horse Roundup Scheduled In South West Wyoming

The Rock springs Bureau of Land Management has planned a rounded up of about 3,555 wild horses from the area of Adobe Town, Salt wells Creek and Great Divide Basin, WHite Mountain and the Little Colorado Herd Management areas.

Due to the increase in herd population, the Roundup will begin in October.

An environmental assessment was conducted and no significant impact will be caused by the roundup.

During a public comment period, 1,397 comments were received from various organizations, individuals, and the public in general.

Of the 4,397 wild horses in those areas listed above, of those numbers only 3,555 have been selected to be removed as excess population reduction from the five HMA areas.

Only 842 wild horses will be released back into the wild only after the mares have been injected with a fertility control drug. Once this is all completed, only about 1, 550 wild horses will be in the five HMA areas.

The remaining wild horses that were rounded up will be available for the public to adopt, if qualified applicants.

The BLM manages about 245 million acres of public land located in 12 Western states, including Alaska.

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