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Alberta Canada Court Rules COVID Is Fake And Just A Flu Virus

Believe it or not, but this actually happened. In Canada, and in the Canadian Court, the COVID -19 hype was proven to be just that: a “Hoax” and nothing but a flu-type virus. All restrictions have now been dropped.

Patrick King had been fined by authorities $1,200.00 dollars for protesting the lock-downs, Mask Mandates and forced vaccinations. But in Court, he won. Now Patrick King did not have a lawyer, he represented himself and WON the case.

What was the downfall to the liberal Democrat COVID fake hype, and, in his country, Canada, the Provinical Health Minister, was that Patrick King subpoena the records from them that was his proof that the COVID-19 was only a world-wide hoax.

In Court, the Canadian Provincial Health Minister was forced by the Court to submit the documents and various testimonies by other officials that the Covid-19 virus existed, but that they really had no proof or evidence to the fact that it was a deadly virus.

Evidence came to light that the COVID-19 virus has never been isolated and therefore the Canadian Government had no authority or legal ground to impose any of the restrictions that has been inflicted on the Canadian society.

Once this evidence came to light in the court room, the Province has rescinded all the COVID -restrictions and now the Alberta, Canadian Province has been ordered to treat the COVID-19 virus and the so called Delta-Virus viraint, as noting more that the FLU. In Court, the Canadian Health Officials admitted that they were following the Socialist Democrat fake narrative set by the Socialist Democrats in America

Here is the breaking interview: https://www.bitchute.com/video/euMT6jUwXhym/

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