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Cody Streets Getting New Face Lift

August 5, 2021, the Wyoming News sent to news rigs out on the street of Cody, Wyoming. Cody streets are getting a face-lift in the way of chip sealing.

Multiple side streets were within the process of being chip-sealed or were already chip-sealed.

The following streets will be chip-sealed, Wyoming tax payer money hard at work in the City of Cody Those streets are, as follows:

August 5, 2021 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th streett with cross street of Wyoming Ave, Sheridan, Northern area and Sheridan to Beistein street were being worked on today.

Tomorrow, Friday, August, 2021 Sheridan and Bleistein, 14th and 13th street.

Monday, August 9, 2021 10th and 11th street from Sheridanin to Wyoming ave and Salsbury to Sheridan, including Sheridan to Rumsey.

Tuesday, August, 10, 2021 9th, 10th 12th street from Rumsey to Bleistein and from Sheridan to Lane Drive then fromf 12th to Belfry Highway and from Elm to River View including Alger.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021 12s treet to 16th street on ALger then 29th street of Sheridan to Mountain View.

So just what is Chip-Seal?

Chipseal is a pavement surface treatment that combines one or more layers of asphalt with one or more layers of fine aggregate rock,.

Chip-seal is used on rural roads or small city arterials carrying lower traffic volumes.

This is commonly called asphaltic road surface..

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