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Breakthrough COVID Cases On Rise But UnVaxed Numbers Are Low

Are the states COVID-19 cases on the rise in the state of Wyoming? The answer to that question is no.

The state claims that an increase of 377.4 new COVID cases are up from July 2021, the state health department is not telling the public that most of those cases are breakthrough cases mixed in with cases that have nothing to do with COVID.

So it is safe to say that Wyoming is not trending upward but is trending regarding new break-through cases. That answer is yes.

The recoveries from COVID are strong and about 1,211 recoveries have been logged by the CDC and Wyoming Health Department.

If one factors in probable cases, rising cases, or confirmed cases, the number game is still very low compared to the number of Wyoming’s population factors.

The hospitals are not filling up with COVID cases as the liberal media would like every one to believe.

In fact, the Flu virus and the Covid virus are both contagious and are both upper respiratory illnesses. So far more individuals have died from the flu that have ever died from COVID.

The Health Department indicates that hospitalized COVID patients are only up six from last Sunday, which is a very low number by comparison.

About 514,785 have received the vaccination shot in the state of Wyoming. A look at the COVID wards in the various hospitals state-wide show that most of them are empty, but the state Health Department claims that on a 14-day average, a total of 5318 new cases per day are in Wyoming.

That is just not true.

The data does not support such a wild claim.

So back to the trending.

Is Wyoming COVID cases trending upward? No, as most people who are getting infected with COVID are individuals who have received the vaccination either in part or whole or by added boosters.

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