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Liz Cheney Sinks Deeper In Her Own Political Poop

Radical Liz Cheney, who claims to be a Republican in name only, just can not keep herself out of the news in light of the fact that her own Wyoming Constituents have “FIRED’ her and do not acknowledged her having any authority over Representing Wyoming. This action was started by the Park County Republican Men’s Club and spread among other Wyoming 23 Counties.

Now Liz Cheney was named as the second-highest position of the Jan 6 panel.

Cheney accepted and confirmed to the media early this morning that, yes, she will be “conducting a partisan, professional investigation of all the relevant facts into what she called the “Insurrection Jan 6 ,2021, incident.”

Cheney accepted the position of the Vice Chair of the committee, and she wants to assure mainly Democrat voters that she will achieve the agenda, goals.

Their is a request that was submitted by the House Freedom Caucus to remove Liz Cheney from this committee, but as of this published article, word has not come down yet, if the GOP minority Leader Kevin McCarthy will remove Cheney from the committee.

Liz Cheney demonstrated again and again that she was bought into the Liberal radical Democrat-Socialist agenda pushed by Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler and others to further push the interests of liberal agenda.

Cheney is despised in the state of Wyoming, and sources tell the media that now, she travels around with increased security to protect her from her own constituents, as she knows that she became a turn coat to help break down America into a Socialist, Marxist Country.

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