September 20, 2021
Senator Tara Nethercott
POB 20173
Cheyenne WY 82003
Dear Senator,
Our president is very sick and asked me to convey this message.
It is with deep regret that I write to you to express our utter shock at the e-mail you received from one of the members of the Park County Republican Men’s Club.
I would hope that you received an e-mail from me right after that happened. The man in question has since offered his resignation and it has been unanimously accepted.
Words cannot make this right but I would like to tell you that this was a random act of “violence” that does not reflect the same moral code as this club.
We ask your forgiveness.
Most sincerely,
Bob Berry
Treasurer Park County Republican Men’s Club
POB 3057
CODY WY 82414-3057
(307) 899-5353
Note from the Editor of the Wyoming News
Here is the email that was sent to Senator Nethercott which is entirely unacceptable behavior coming from Troy Bray. This was an individuals email that has nothing to do with the Park County Republicans Men’s Club. Troy Bray resigned his position as Secretary of the Park County Republicans Men’s Club as this behavior was wrong in so many ways. When Troy Bray made this statement he was not representing the Park County Republican Men’s Club in any official capacity.
From: Troy Bray
To: Senator – Nethercott, Tara
Subject: SF 0094
Ms Nethercott, I would just like to express to you how I feel about your handling of the bill that would already have negated Biden’s dictatorial actions for Wyoming’s citizens. You have never been my favorite person, but you have made a lasting enemy of me with these actions. Your shortsightedness and ignorance are astounding, and only your moral turpitude can compete with them as your defining character feature. I
f I were as despicable a person as you, I would kill myself to rid the world of myself. You sicken me. Thank you for ensuring that the people of Wyoming are subjected to tyranny once again. FUCK YOU CUNT.
Troy Bray Precinct Committeeman, Park County (9-7)Secretary, Park County Republican Men’s Club