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Colin Powell Dies At 84-Years-Old, But Reputation Stained Forever

Some called him a hero, others state that the False WMD claims under the Bush Administration stained Powell’s reputation.

In either case, Colin Powell is dead. According to reports and his family, Colin Powell died early this morning from COVID-19 complications. Powell had reached the age of 84-year-old. Powell died at the Walter Reed National Medical Center at Bethesda, Maryland.

Colin Powell was no stranger to war. Powell became a Vietnam War veteran but before his completing that stint, Powell rose to the rank of a four-star-General and was the first Black chairperson of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Powell helped oversee the U.S. invasion of Panama and the US. invasion of Kuwait that was to expel and conquer into submission the Iraqi army in 1991.

These accolades well deserved, but soon after in 2003, Powell’s reputation became marred by lying to the United Nations Security council as the U.S. Secretary of State, where he beat the drums of war against the country of Iraq citing fake information and false claims against Saddam Hussein regarding the possession of Weapons of Mass Destruction caches.

Saddam Hussein was an evil dictator that killed his own people at will, and with him being dispatched, “Officially,” Powell did the world a big favor.

When 911 struck the United States, Powell immediately lay blame at the feet of Osama Bin Laden’s Al-Qaida terrorist network group. Powell insisted that the country of Pakistan cooperate with the United States as Powell suspected that Bin Laden was being harbored in the country of Pakistan.

Powell worked for a Democrat administration and Republican Administrations. Powell knew that politics had no place in the realm of war. Somewhere along the line, Powell joined the Democrat radical movements and endorsed Democrats in the last four Presidential elections. At the end, Powell became critical of then, President Trump and even called Trump a “National Disgrace.”

This was the beginning of the end of Powell’s star studded reputation. Powell, succumbed to the radical Democrat thuggery and helped promote the radical socialist Democrat agendas, once again instead of beating the war drums with fake claims, this time he helps spread fake news and fake allegations against President Donald J. Trump.

America will remember Powell as the four-star-General who lied constantly to the American people and in the end even lied about President Trump. So was he really a hero?

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