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Laramie County GOP Censure Wish For Troy Bray, Highly Unlikely

As the saying goes, “When it rains, it pours.” Laramie County GOP pushing for censure of Park County resident Troy Bray for his stupid name calling comment to Senator Tara Nethercott, R-Cheyenne, Wyo, when he called her a “Cunt” for supporting vaccine mandates and mask mandates.

Most Wyoming people support the theory behind anti vax and anti mask mandates, but do not agree with the type of delivery that Park County resident Troy Bray used when he call the woman a “cunt.”

Laramie County GOP thinks that they have pull or sway for a censure into another county. Not likely.

Tuesday October 19, 2021 the Laramie County Republican Central Committee agreed and voted to draft up a resolution letter to the Wyoming Republican party. Laramie County Republicans want the State Republican party to censure Troy Bray for his unfortunate email that he sent Senator Tara Nethercott.

The Laramie County Republican GOP members can object to the wording but they can not object to the reason and frustration that Wyoming voters have against public officials “Rhino’s” who support liberal radical Democrat mandates. Tara Nethercott, is just that, a liberal dressed in Rhino clothing. The Laramie County Republicans wish list of having Troy Bray censured will NOT happen.

They do not control what the Park County Republican party, nor the Park County Republican Men’s club does. Already the Chairman of the Wyoming Republican Party has stated that Bray will not face any censure from the state party. Instead the focus needs to be on those Rhinos who are forwarding the liberal Democrat agendas. They are the ones the voters need to stop and censure permanently at the voting booth.

If the Laramie County Republican GOP would spend more time on battling the liberal Democrats and the Republican Rhino’s instead of trying to walk the fence with feet on both sides of the fence, they would be so much more successful in their own communities. Instead they waste their time on minutia mistakes of individuals, and try to spread division among the State and County Republicans. This attempted action by Laramie County Republican GOP will not be allowed to derail the State Republican goal of removing Liz Cheney and any other liberal Rhino dressed as a Republican.

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