12/03/21 Kristina VanVleet, Cody, 39, Arrested for DUI, No Insurance & FTY the Right of Way, (Incident #2112030087)
12/03/21 William Shaffer, Lorain, OH, 41, Arrested for Trespass & Interference W/Peace Officer,
(Incident #2112030102)
12/03/21 Michael Maassen, Aurora, CO, 29, Arrested for Public Intoxication, (Incident #2112030105)
12/04/21 Patrick Little, Meeteetse, 40, Arrested for Warrant X 2, (Incident #2112040010)
12/04/21 Cody Lester, Powell, 32, Arrested for Warrant, (Incident #2112040025)
December 03, 2021
06:25 Suspicious Activity 2112030011 Occurred on Canyon Ave. Unk subj tried the handle of the back door of resd by the garage.. Access via
9th.nothing seen. . Disposition: Unable to Locate.
07:59 Patrol-Extra 2112030014 Officer initiated activity at 17TH St, Cody. . Disposition: Completed.
08:06 Patrol-Extra 2112030015 Officer initiated activity at Sheridan Ave, Cody. . Disposition: Completed.
08:07 Traffic Stop 2112030016 Officer initiated activity at 16TH St/Bleistein Ave, Cody. TS-Driver warned for speed in a school zone. .
Disposition: Warning Issued.
08:18 Traffic Stop 2112030018 Officer initiated activity at Sheridan Ave, Cody. TS-Driver cited for speed in a school zone, warned for illegal
turn and lane change. . Disposition: Citation Issued.
09:03 Welfare Check 2112030023 Occurred on 17TH St. Rp says she has been watching a man walk around in the area-appears homeless, she is
worried about him due to the weather at night. Black long coat-baggy jeans-and a black backpack. Man heading toward the complex. . Disposition: Unable to Locate.
heading toward the complex. . Disposition: Unable to Locate.
09:39 Threats 2112030027 Occurred on Pioneer Ave. Rp says her friend has been getting threats from the listed male. . Disposition:
Assistance Given.
13:16 Patrol-Extra 2112030052 Officer initiated activity at 17TH St, Cody. . Disposition: Completed.
13:19 Traffic Stop 2112030054 Officer initiated activity at 16TH St, Cody. TS-Driver warned for speed in a school zone. . Disposition: Warning Issued.
13:22 Patrol-Extra 2112030055 Officer initiated activity at Sheridan Ave, Cody. . Disposition: Completed.
13:34 Traffic Stop 2112030059 Officer initiated activity at 16TH St/Bleistein Ave, Cody. TS-Driver warned speed in school zone, exp reg, no
proof ins. . Disposition: Warning Issued.
13:46 Officer Flagged Down 2112030061 Officer initiated activity at Sheridan Ave, Cody. . Disposition: Completed.
15:26 Animal Call – Other 2112030067 Occurred on 14TH St. Rp-states a German Shepard dog attacked her dog this morning and is now tender. .
Disposition: Assistance Given.
15:36 Traffic Stop 2112030069 Officer initiated activity at Yellowstone Ave, Cody. Ts-Driver Warned for driver side break and blinker not
working. . Disposition: Warning Issued.
15:42 Patrol-Extra 2112030070 Officer initiated activity at Yellowstone Ave, Cody. . Disposition: Completed.
16:53 Theft 2112030077 Occurred on Yellowstone Ave. Male in custody for shoplifting- No ID, attempting to get female in custody. .
Disposition: Assistance Given.
18:07 Miscellaneous Assistance 2112030081 Occurred on Pioneer Ave. Rp-states someone at above location threw something at his car. . Disposition:
Assistance Given.
18:44 Traffic Complaint 2112030082 Occurred at Stampede AVE/17TH St. Tan Toyt Cam, male driver, pulled out in front of RP, speeding and
swerving. . Disposition: Unable to Locate.
19:28 Traffic Stop 2112030087 Officer initiated activity at Big Horn Ave/A St, Cody. Ts-Driver arrested for DUI. . Disposition: See Case.
20:03 Traffic Stop 2112030091 Officer initiated activity at 15TH St, Cody. Ts-Driver Citation for no insurance. . Disposition: Citation Issued.
20:39 Citizen Contact 2112030094 Officer initiated activity at Yellowstone Ave, Cody. Contact with driver at Walmart. . Disposition: Completed.
21:15 Citizen Contact 2112030097 Officer initiated activity at 16TH St, Cody. . Disposition: Assistance Given.
21:40 Traffic Stop 2112030099 Officer initiated activity at Sheridan Ave, Cody. Ts-Driver warned for FTM single lane. . Disposition: Warning
22:22 Other Law Violations 2112030102 Occurred on Alger Ave. Male subj sleeping on the park bench. . Disposition: See Case.
22:29 Animals on Roadway 2112030104 Occurred at 29TH St/Sheridan Ave. Wounded deer laying in the wb lane at the bottom of East Sheridan Hill. .
Disposition: Assistance Given.
23:25 Intoxicated Subject 2112030105 Officer initiated activity at 8TH St/Yellowstone Ave, Cody. . Disposition: See Case. *=====================================================================
23:37 Traffic Stop 2112030109 Officer initiated activity at 11TH St, Cody. TS cited speed. . Disposition: Citation Issued.
December 04, 2021
03:44 Trespass Complaint 2112040007 Occurred on Sheridan Ave. Male inside refusing to leave.. Unk exactly where he is now. . Disposition:
Assistance Given.
07:08 Miscellaneous Assistance 2112040010 Occurred on Sheridan Ave. Rp, nurse, says the man C24 brought in last night is being combative. . Disposition:
See Case.
10:11 Escort-Funeral 2112040018 Occurred on Monument St. To Old Riverside approx 1110a-Large. . Disposition: Informational.
11:25 Traffic Stop 2112040025 Officer initiated activity at 19TH St/Big Horn Ave, Cody. TS – Driver arrested on warrant. . Disposition: See
12:18 Intrusion/Holdup 2112040027 Occurred on Lindsay Ln. Zone 19. . Disposition: False Alarm.
14:32 Miscellaneous Assistance 2112040043 Occurred on Big Horn Ave. Elderly male came in seems confused and lost. . Disposition: Assistance Given.
16:41 Assist other Agency 2112040052 Occurred on Rocky Rd. 87yom, combative. . Disposition: Ambulance Handled.
17:07 Motor Vehicle Crash 2112040054 Occurred on 8TH St. Gry Nissan Titan backed into Whi 2012 Yukon. . Disposition: See Case.
21:07 Traffic Complaint 2112040071 Occurred on River View Dr. Rp-states there is truck passing the police station truck with trailer with no lights
on. . Disposition: Unable to Locate.
21:12 Disturbance 2112040072 Occurred on West Yellowstone Ave. Loud music coming from the above loc. . Disposition: Completed.
21:46 Motor Vehicle Crash 2112040075 Occurred on Yellowstone Ave. Car vs Deer, damage to grill. . Disposition: Assistance Given.
22:35 Traffic Stop 2112040079 Officer initiated activity at 17TH St/Stampede Ave, Cody. TS-Driver warned for d/s headlight. . Disposition:
Warning Issued.
22:52 Traffic Stop 2112040080 Officer initiated activity at Big Horn Ave, Cody. Ts- warned no dl in poss, no tail light, cited no insurance. .
Disposition: Warning Issued.
December 05, 2021
00:52 Motor Vehicle Crash 2112050004 Occurred on West Yellowstone Ave. White ford explorer/ White Gmc. . Disposition: Warning Issued.
08:12 Fraud Related 2112050010 Occurred on Sheridan Ave. Rp says that her son cashed checks that didn’t belong to him. . Disposition: See
10:23 Motor Vehicle Crash 2112050018 Occurred at Sheridan AVE/16TH St. White Tacoma v Ford F150. . Disposition: See Case.
10:28 Motor Vehicle Crash 2112050019 Occurred at Sheridan AVE/16TH St. . Disposition: Assistance Given.
10:48 Motor Vehicle Crash 2112050020 Occurred on Heart Mountain St. Fender/bender Rp hit parked car. . Disposition: Assistance Given.
12:15 Motor Vehicle Crash 2112050024 Occurred on Big Horn Ave. Fender/Bender No injury/blockage. . Disposition: See Case.
12:40 Motor Vehicle Crash 2112050030 Occurred on Sheridan Ave. Blue chevy truck and light blue chevy truck. . Disposition: See Case.
12:58 Motor Vehicle Crash 2112050031 Occurred on 8TH St. RP witnessed a white Jeep spin out IFO above location, went over the curb and hit a post near the electrical box. Happened about 10-15 min ago. RP was not involved. This has not been reported by driver of Jeep, license plate attached. . Disposition: See Case.
13:03 Building Burglary 2112050034 Occurred on 13TH St. Rp says that someone broke in overnight and stole some items. . Disposition: See Case.
14:00 Threats 2112050037 Occurred on 17TH St. Male subject called into store and was talking to new hire – belligerent – customer
threatened to go to store and “it wasn’t going to be good for them.”. . Disposition: Assistance Given.
17:08 Traffic Stop 2112050044 Officer initiated activity at Yellowstone Ave, Cody. TS-Driver warned for failure to obey traffic control device.
. Disposition: Warning Issued.
17:14 Traffic Complaint 2112050045 Occurred on 17TH St. Veh driving with no lights, poss headed to Sheridan Ave, delay 1..gry sedan lic/unk. .
Disposition: See Incident Notes Report.
19:31 Traffic Complaint 2112050047 Occurred on 10TH St. Rp says there is a truck spinning cookies. Truck-unk make or model or color. .
Disposition: Unable to Locate.
21:14 Traffic Stop 2112050050 Officer initiated activity at 16TH St, Cody. TS-Driver warned for headlight out and failure to signal. .
Disposition: Warning Issued.
22:32 Citizen Contact 2112050053 Occurred on Highway 120 N. Rp has not heard from her daught, afraid she may have been inv in a crash but
UTL. . Disposition: Assistance Given