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Montana Home Builders Endorse Republican Ryan Zinke For Congress

Montana Home Builders Endorse Republican Ryan Zinke For Congress

April 1, 2022|National News
Ryan Zinke For Congress

Big news! This week Montana Home Builders endorsed Ryan Zinke for Congress. The reason is clear, Ryan Zinke knows that the best way to create more affordable housing is to unleash the power of the private sector, not rely on taxpayer-funded government housing.

Ryan has always supported building. Not just homes, infrastructure as well. As Montana’s former Congressman and as President Trump’s Secretary of the Interior Ryan has a proven record of confronting the radical environmentalism and federal overreach which keeps America’s home builders and infrastructure in a costly regulatory chokehold.

Federal regulations and agencies require sometimes dozens of permits and bureaucratic hoops that builders are required to jump through. For example: According to the NAHB, It costs on average $270,000 and 788 days for a home builder to receive a CWA (Clean Water Act) permit for construction that affects a waterway that is designated a “water of the United States”.  And we all know what the Democrats want to do with WOTUS. As Congressman, Ryan continually voted against the Obama WOTUS regulations and will continue the fight with Joe Biden’s planned reboot.

To confront the issue of permitting and overreach from NEPA regulations, in 2017 Secretary Ryan Zinke established a task force to streamline permitting across all departments under the purview of the Department of the Interior.

As Secretary, Ryan worked to lift overreaching regulations from the Endangered Species Act by reining in overreach in critical habitat designations, rescinding the provision that treated “threatened” species like “endangered”, delisting the Grizzly Bear and working to expand cooperation between the states and federal agencies on management of sage grouse.

As Montana’s at-large Congressman, Ryan also voted to help small businesses, like homebuilders, cope with large investments by making the section 179 tax exemption for heavy machinery permanent, helping cut costs for home builders and infrastructure construction.

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