City Of Cody Wants To Spend American Rescue Plan Act Money

Residents in Cody Wyoming will benefit directly and corporately from the projected facility improvement upgrades and the city plans to create better civic services for the public to use.
According to City officials, the money that will be used to pay for all of this is federal money that was received via the American Rescue Plan Act.
If the public has an interest, they may attend the Cody City Council meeting which starts at 7:00 pm today.
To see what the American Rescue Plan Act is all about, click on the link the Wyoming News has provided here: H.R.1319 – 117th Congress (2021-2022): American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 | | Library of Congress
The American Rescue Plan Act was created by this man:
Rep. Yarmuth, John A. [D-KY-3] (ARPA Introduced on 02/24/2021)
In the City Council meeting today, Cody City Finance Officer Leslie Brumage will speak about the unspent federal money, and the need to tap into the federal funds to benefit various projects and Civic Services.
City Finance Officer Leslie Brumage will address the council about proposed funding allocations for yet-unspent federal funds money.
The State of Wyoming received a billion dollars.
Of the ARPA federal money, the City of Cody Wyoming was allocated $850,000.
No restrictions were placed on how the City of Cody Wyoming spends that money except for one exception, the total of the $850,000.00 must be all used up within four years.
Wyoming, Governor Mark Gordon allocated $850,000 to the City of Cody. The city may use that money at its discretion, but all of it must be spent within four years.
At the City Council meeting tonight, decisions will be made as to how to spend the money and on what projects.
Four pet projects will be discussed, they are as follows:
- At the City Hall, they are in need of new carpet and remodeling of the Customer Service Station located in City Hall.
- The Cody Police Department is looking to hire a community Services Officer, on a part-time basis.
- Tablets and Stands need to be purchased.
- Further funding for Chip Sealing projects.
The Cody Mayor, Matt Hall issued a verbal declaration, that April 5, 2022, be Codys’ National Service Recognition Day.