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Sergeant Brandon Smart Disciplined Bad Cop Behavior In Billings

RE: Sergeant Brandon Smart disciplinary action.
Grandstand Casino incident
On January 15, 2022, Yellowstone County Sheriff’s Sergeant Brandon Smart was
involved in a disturbance at the Grandstand Casino in Billings. Sergeant Smart was
off duty at the time of the incident and was not in uniform or acting in his official
capacity as a Deputy Sheriff.
Upon learning of the incident, I ordered an investigation into the circumstances
surrounding the incident. The investigation was conducted by a Lieutenant in the
Sheriff’s Office Training and Professional Standards Division. Currently, an
investigation to determine if any criminal activity occurred during the incident is
being conducted by the Montana Department of Criminal Investigations.
Our internal investigation concluded that Sergeant Smart had violated Yellowstone
County Sheriff’s Office Policy on Ethics and Conduct.
Sheriff’s Office Policy 2-1 CODE OF ETHICS States:
I.Law Enforcement Code of Ethics:
Deputies will behave in a manner that does not bring discredit to their
agencies or
themselves. A deputy’s character and conduct while off duty must always
be exemplary, thus maintaining a position of respect in the community in
which he or she lives and serves. The deputy’s personal behavior must be
beyond reproach.
Sheriff’s Office Policy 2-3 RULES OF CONDUCT States:
A. Deputies will not engage in any activity or commit any act that would tend to
bring discredit or impair the efficiency or reputation of the Sheriff’s Office
or its Deputies.

1. Actions  of Deputies  that are inconsistent,  incompatible, or  in
conflict with the standards established by the Sheriff’s Office
negatively affect its reputation and that of its Deputies.   Such
actions (and inactions) will not be tolerated as they distract from
the Sheriff’s Office’s overall ability to effectively and efficiently
protect the public, maintain peace and order, and conduct other
essential business.
Disciplinary Action Taken
Formal Letter of Reprimand
Removal from Special duties and prohibition from re-applying for special duties for
1- Year
Additional training on or pertaining to Ethics and Conduct.
Sergeant Smart has been a Deputy Sheriff in the Patrol Division and on other
assignments for the past 11 years. Before that, he was a Sergeant at the
Yellowstone County Detention Facility

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