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Wyoming Candidates Appeared At Heart Mountain Club

By:  Publius

Cody Wyoming, The Park County, Republican Mens  Club, now called the Sons of Freedom, sponsored a candidate’s Q&A event Thursday night. Those candidates in attendance were US House candidate Harriet Hageman, Chuck Gray who is running for Secretary of State, gubernatorial candidate Rex Rammell and Brian Schroeder who is seeking election to the position of Superintendent of Public Instruction.

The candidates were given 5 minutes of presentation time to tell about who they were and why they were running. They then were each given 30 minutes to answer questions from the body. Hageman offered up an impressive list of credentials, including fighting the Federal government in court on the issues of land and water rights and winning. She stood absolutely firm on the defense of the 2nd Amendment.

 She is very concerned about the actions of Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell and his Republican backers that are going along with the latest Biden-led gun grab legislation. Chuck Gray’s most compelling issue was that of voter integrity. He believes that voting machines should be banned and that hand-counted paper ballots should be the rule. There should be no ballot drop boxes. Rex Rammell gave an impassioned presentation on the issue of state and federal lands. 

He believes that the federal government should be invited out of Wyoming. He said that the state of Wyoming knows best how to take care of Wyoming land. Rammell thinks that no one but the Governor can make such a strong stand on this issue and that if Wyoming would take the lead, other states would be fast to follow suit. He believes that Gov. Gordon is in the pockets of New Green Deal advocates. Brian Schroeder was equally vocal about the meddling of the Federal government in our schools. 

The latest and most egregious example, he says, is the overreach of the FDA. It has threatened to hold back federal Title 9 money (funds provided for school lunch programs) from states that do not advocate and promote the transgender agenda of boys playing girls’ sports. He said, “Fine, let them keep it.” He believes in making it clear to all in Wyoming that the parents and the taxpayers own the schools, not out-of-touch, authoritarian school boards.

The candidates were generally very well received and applauded on numerous occasions by the crowd of nearly 50. The group plans on another event of this kind in two weeks. For more information call Andris Vaskis at 307-271-2256.

Sons of Freedom (formerly Park County Republican Men’s Club) affirmed that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of these United States, as created, are the finest documents of their kind in the history of mankind. They support any legislation and promote all candidates for public office that remain faithful to the founding principles secured in them. They are committed to the last line of the Declaration of Independence that says, “With a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor.” 

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