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Cody Wyoming Police Department News

02:45    Traffic Stop 2206280001 Officer initiated activity at Sheridan Ave, Cody. TS- Driver warned for stop sign violation/illegal right turn.
Disposition: Warning Issued. 

 08:25    Traffic Stop   2206280007 Officer initiated activity at Bleistein Ave, Cody. TS – Driver warned for impeding traffic. . Disposition:
Warning Issued. 

08:59    Traffic Stop 2206280009 Officer initiated activity at Sheridan Ave, Cody. TS – Driver warned for improper U-turn. . Disposition:
Warning Issued. 

09:34    Intrusion/Holdup  2206280014 Occurred on Sage Ave. Burglary alarm. . . Disposition: Unable to Locate. 

09:53    Animal-Noisy  2206280018 Occurred on Draw St. RP would like to remain anonymous, Animal has been barking and would like somebody
to come. . Disposition: Unable to Locate. 

 10:41    Property-Lost 2206280026 Occurred on Sheridan Ave. Missing purse, brown leather w/bronze cross on the side.  All cards, OLN and Soc
Sec card.  Has already notified banks.

10:42    Parking Problem  2206280027 Occurred on Bleistein Ave. PX ONLY.  RP has questions about a camper parked out front. . Disposition:
Assistance Given. 

 10:44    Parking Problem  2206280028 Occurred on Sheridan Ave. RP stated truck has been blocking the alleyway.  Silver truck – Black utility trailer . . Disposition: Assistance Given.  

11:10    Traffic Complaint   2206280029 Occurred on 17TH St. Brown colored SUV, swerving into the road, ran a stop sign. RP stated driver is in
Albertson’s parking lot.  RP is willing to sign the ticket.  Disposition: Unable to Locate. 

 11:43    Traffic Stop   2206280033 Officer initiated activity at 12TH St/Beck Ave, Cody. TS – Driver warned for failure to yield for a pedestrian.  
Disposition: Warning Issued. 

11:56    Traffic Stop   2206280035 Officer initiated activity at Beck Ave, Cody. TS driver warned for failure to stop at a stop sign. . Disposition:
Warning Issued. 

11:57    Assist other Agency    2206280036 Occurred on Willow Ln. Alleged child abuse, px for now. . Disposition: Assistance Given. 

12:16    Intrusion/Holdup   2206280037 Occurred on Rumsey Ave. Zone 69 – Holdup alarm. . Disposition: False Alarm. 

12:31    Traffic Stop  2206280039 Officer initiated activity at Sheridan Ave, Cody. TS – Driver warned for failure to yield for a pedestrian.
Disposition: Warning Issued. 

12:41    Patrol-Extra  2206280040 Officer initiated activity at Sheridan AVE/16TH St, Cody. On foot downtown. . Disposition: Completed. 

13:02    Traffic Stop  2206280044 Officer initiated activity at Beck Ave, Cody. TS – Driver warned for obedience to the authorized person directing
traffic. Disposition: Warning Issued.
13:54    Traffic Stop  2206280051 Officer initiated activity at Yellowstone Ave, Cody. TS – Driver warned for failure to yield. . Disposition:
Warning Issued. 

14:07    Animal Call – Other 2206280053 Occurred on F St. Snake in the yard. . Disposition: Unable to Locate. 

14:19    Assist other Agency  2206280056 Occurred on Blackburn Ave. Alleged abuse. . Disposition: Assistance Given. 

14:20    Nuisance Complaint  2206280057 Occurred on Pioneer Ave. Rp, anon, says the grass at the entire apartment complex is about knee-high.

14:30    Welfare Check 2206280058 Occurred on Greever St. Female, in all black. . Disposition: Assistance Given. 

15:42    Motor Vehicle Crash  2206280065 Occurred on Sheridan Ave. Hit and run-no injuries, or blockage. . Disposition: See Case. 

15:51    Assist other Agency 2206280066 Officer initiated activity at Willow Ln, Cody. . Disposition: Assistance Given. 

16:34    Suspicious Activity   2206280071 Occurred on 19TH St. Rp received a threatening phone call from an unknown Spanish-speaking person. . Disposition:
Assistance Given. 

20:56    Traffic Stop    2206280085 Officer initiated activity at 14TH St/Meadow Lane Ave, Cody. No violation for reg or insurance. . Disposition:
No action was taken. 

21:06    Patrol-Extra 2206280086 Officer initiated activity at Blackburn Ave, Cody. . Disposition: Assistance Given. 

21:13    Traffic Stop  2206280088 Officer initiated activity at Meadow Lane Ave, Cody. Ts-Driver citation for no valid reg no liability ins.
Disposition: Citation Issued. 

22:09    Citizen Contact  2206280090 Officer initiated activity at 14TH St, Cody. Out with truck at Beck. . Disposition: Assistance Given.

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