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Buffalo Bill Center of the West Contracted With Pedophile Then Gave Him Access to Kids.

The first corruption and alleged criminal activity that the Wyoming News will disclose that the Buffalo Bill Center of the West had going on under the nose of the public deals with the topic of Pedophiles.

In this article, Wyoming News will cover two incidents with the subject content of a Pedophile who worked at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West and Sexual harassment by a Buffalo Bill Memorial Association supervisor.

First, the Pedophile:

On January 7, 2021, the Buffalo Bill Center of the West Trustees were alerted and notified that a Pedophile working around and near children and given full access to the entire Buffalo Bill Center of the West property.

The Wyoming News even has discovered that as far back as December 3, 2020, every Buffalo Bill Center of the West Trustees was directly notified by letter that present risks to the welfare of minor tourists and local children existed.

Every Trustee ignored this, and the then Executive Director also decided to keep a lid on this and ignore this verifiable FACT.

One month later, on January 7, 2021, the Trustees were notified again by letter. Once again, this was swept under the rug so that the public did not know how serious this was. This was a deliberate attempt to COVER-UP this very serious incident by simply ignoring this topic matter.

In another notification, an email was sent from a private citizen to the email address of the Executive Director, and he simply never responded EVER and ignored this notification in his deliberate attempt to COVER-UP this incident that was taking place right under the public’s nose. As of this publishing, September 13, 2022, the Executive Director still has ignored and never responded, so the Wyoming News will expose the Executive Director and the Buffalo Bill Center of the West and Trustees, as you, the public, need to know what they did, or rather, what they did not do.

So the Wyoming News will start naming names. Here we go:

To better understand who the Executive Directors were, one must look at their time frames of who was in control and when they were in control of the Buffalo Bill Center of the West.

Until November 2018, Bruce Eldridge, now retired, Bruce Eldridge is not the subject of this investigation as he was retired from his position before the Pedophile situation took place.

From November 2018 until January 2021, Peter Siebert was the Executive Director. Peter Siebert moved out of Cody, Wyoming, and took a job at a museum located in Pennsylvania.

Peter Siebert did have knowledge of the Pedophile moving among and near children at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West. Yet he ignored and COVERED UP to hide from the public that a Pedophile was near children regularly.

The letters were sent a little over one month apart when each letter was sent out. Peter Siebert covered this up and ignored this very serious matter.

The Pedophile’s name is Trenton McCaskill.

Trenton McCaskill is a twice-convicted child predator, yet he was given unfettered access to children. The Buffalo Bill Center of the West fraudulently contracted with Trenton McCaskill, the twice-convicted Pedophile Trenton McCaskill. Trenton McCaskill signed a contract with the Buffalo Bill Center of the West, posing as a “member and manager” of “PMRS, LLC.

According to the Secretary of States office, that business was listed as Melissa Hill as the only member and or manager of the Pronghorn Maintenance and Repair Services, LLC.

Melissa Hill and Trenton McCaskill are then and currently boyfriend and girlfriend. Melissa Hill worked at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West in a power position and instigated and claimed that Trenton McCaskill conducted work under a “RUSE” of McCaskill being a member and manager of PMRS, LLC., which was FALSE by which both Melissa Hill and Trenton McCaskill knew were false representations to the Buffalo Bill Center of the West.

Essentially, Melissa Hill paid herself $90.00 per hour out of restricted funding, a complete violation and a conflict of interest. Trent McCaskill is a 3rd-degree sexual predator. Registration # SOROO1290 McCaskill’s likely hood of re-offending again is exceptionally high. Melissa Ann Hill filed the papers with the Secretary of State back on March 11, 2020. and Melissa Ann Hill is the only “Member-Manager” of Prong Horn Maintenance and Repair Services, LLC.

Here is where we explain Melissa Ann Hill and her role:

Melissa Hill is the Draper Raptor Program Assistant Curator for the Buffalo Bill Center of the West. She formed the ProngHorn Maintenance and Repair Services and was the sole member–manager of the LLC. Melissa Hill deliberately created the LLC to muddy the waters and legitimize opening the door for her pedophile boyfriend, to be employed at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West.

Melissa Ann Hill then was able to pay herself additional monies at $90.00 per hour of restricted funds which is a definite conflict of interest, and the Restricted funds came from account #5603, which was established by Draper advisory board member Leighton Steward and earmarked for “ONLY MEWS IMPROVEMENTS.” Now Melissa Ann Hill was getting paid twice by the Buffalo Bill Center of the West.

Is this action a crime or corruption, or both?

What is interesting is that Melissa Ann Hill listed the address of Prong Horn Maintenance and Repair Services, LLC as 30 North Gould Ste R, Sheridan, Wyoming 82801, yet to the Buffalo Bill Center of the West, she concealed that address and only listed the address of 1301 Stampede Ave, #3226, Cody Wyoming 82414 as the LLC’s mailing address in all of the Buffalo Bill Center of the West invoices and contract. That address is the Cody Post office and not a physical business address.

Without any public bidding, requirements were NOT met; instead, Pedophile Trenton McCaskill 23 years old at the time of the incident, was awarded with the inside help and assistance of his girlfriend, Melissa Ann Hill, for the landscaping work. The Wyoming News can not find any records of Trenton McCaskill being a landscaper before the illegal contract with the Buffalo Bill Center of the West was awarded.

Hill/McCaskill charged $90.00 per hour to the Buffalo Bill Center of the West for landscaping work, yet the local average back then was only $24.00 to $34.00 per hour. Those expenses did not include the additional costs of purchasing supplies and renting all the equipment, as McCaskill had none prior. Two of the four trees planted died @$1,500. They died due to the lack of watering and care. Nothing that a landscaper would mess up on.

Even more severe is that Melissa Ann Hill lied and did not disclose to the Buffalo Bill Center of the West administration when she was promoting her boyfriend. He was a convicted sexual child predator (2) twice.

She knew that Trenton McCaskill would be working unsupervised and well within the 2000 feet of the Tammy Collier Playground, and as a result of her lack of disclosing he was a pedophile, the Buffalo Bill Center of the West contracted with a convicted pedophile that was executed on July 8th, 2019 between Trent McCaskill and Center CFO Lynn Rodgers.

In the Contract, dated 07/08/2019 it states Trent McCaskill ” will maintain control of the project area during work hours.” This information in the contract confirms that Melissa Ann Hill placed her Pedohile boyfriend, Trenton McCaskill, in the vicinity of the Tammy Collier Playground, where tourists and local children played. This presented the reasonable expectation that children would be present.

In July of that same year, during the height of the tourist season, literally hundreds of children would be present in and around the Buffalo Bill Center of the West, and it’s outdoor spaces located within the property that Trenton McCaskill “Will maintain control of the project area during work hours.”

Melissa Ann Hill being the Draper Raptor Program Assistant Curator for the Buffalo Bill Center of the West. She had a legal obligation to disclose to the Buffalo Bill Center of the West and the Cody Wyoming community to inform them and the center that they were employing a pedophile, which was all at her insistence.

Did the public eventually find out? Yes, some did find out! A community member by the name of Rachelle Pederson was the individual who sent an email directly to the Executive Director of the Buffalo Bill Center of the West, Peter Siebert, on August 12, 2020. In this emailed letter, Rachell Pederson expressed her concern for the safety of the children and the “responsibility of the BBCOW to keep visitors safe especially innocent children.”

Rachelle Pederson even enclosed a link for Executive Director Peter Siebert to where Trent McCaskill’s sex offender registry was listed. Peter Siebert deliberately did everything in his power to keep the lid on Melissa Ann Hill’s boyfriend, Pedophile Trenton McCaskill working at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West. He ignored all the emails he had received from concerned citizens and created legal liability and potential child endangerment charges.

Peter Siebert can not claim that he did not know about this individual as the Wyoming News has copies of the proof of him being alerted by email and letters. Yet he still chose to ignore the pedophile.

So here we have Trustees who were notified yet ignored the pedophile.

We have Executive Director Peter Siebert ignoring the pedophile.

Melissa Ann Hill is the Draper Raptor Program Assistant Curator for the Buffalo Bill Center of the West, promoting the pedophile and getting paid twice as it was her company. And we have Melissa Ann Hill using inside pressure to get her boyfriend as the only contract bid and accepted. The public was not allowed to bid for this project and was never put out to the public for public bids on the project. Is any of this a crime, perhaps? Or is it corruption or both?

So now we have three bad actors, Melissa Ann Hill and Peter Siebert and the Trustees.

The Wyoming News could not find any complaints of any minors being messed with by Trenton McCaskill nor any police reports of complaints or court cases. To the CREDIT of Trenton McCaskill.

So the bad actors in this article are Melissa Ann Hill and Peter Siebert, and the Trustees at the time of the incident.

The following next article will be on Buffalo Bill Memorial Association Dr. Charles Preston and Robert Pickering

Prior article links:

Conservative Media Shining Very Bright Spot Light On The Buffalo Bill Center of the West | Wyoming News TV

Wyoming News About To Release Bomb Shell Evidence Against The Buffalo Bill Center Of The West | Wyoming News TV

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