Written by :Marc Kelley More and more it seems the political division in our country is intensifying. The liberals tell us conservatives are evil, racists, irredeemable and immoral for harboring their beliefs in freedom and liberty. Such vile people who would dare to disagree with their woke point of view would earn their punishment as well as the label, Hitler incarnate. On the other side of this coin, conservatives will tell you liberals are nothing more than a bunch of whinney brats, unwilling to work as productive members of society yet, believing they are entitled to reap all of the benefits and freedoms America has to offer. Choosing instead to demand a “safe space” from which they belittle and denigrate the sacrifices of those who died for our country. In short…they are too stupid for their own good. While these stereotypes may in fact represent only a very small portion of our people, belaboring this point has become a great source of annoyance for many of us who simply want to be left alone, choosing to embrace the age old liberal concept of: you do you, and I’ll do me. |
The story which follows is intended to be a tongue in cheek look at several widely held liberal beliefs and the consequences resulting from enacting policies which embrace positions brought about by questionable intellect. While it has never been the intention to ridicule or attack anyone who chooses not to share in the belief that America is the greatest country on earth, it is increasingly difficult to ignore the patterns of questionable thinking which apparently are held by half of our citizens. As evidence to support this contention, one only needs to consult the lame stream media whose average IQ is only slightly lower than the percentage of time their reporting is honest and truthful. |
As one would expect this event was unable to escape the ridicule of that bastion of questionable human behavior known as social media. On one side the laughter was palpable and on the other ignorant comments abounded in support of the efforts made to make Canada safe from weapons of war. Queries were made as to the age of this firearm, with some weapons experts identifying it as: serial # 1. Still others recognized it as a piece of history claiming it was once used by George Washington, Cain, and even Moses as he led his people out of bondage. |
Regardless of your political leanings, considering this fiasco anything short of embarrassing would be paramount to waiting all day for a custom fitted tin foil hat, personally tailored by Joe Biden. It is painful and oftentimes difficult to accept the reality that our country has been beaten at our own game. It is with this thought in mind and laughter in our hearts, we must accept the reality…liberals aren’t stupid, they are frigging hilarious. |