Written by: Marc Kelley One of the best things about running a firearms business is interacting with customers, and learning about their perceptions of the laws governing the private ownership of firearms. Our customers come from all walks of life; and as such, have a wide difference of opinions as to what the government’s role in firearms ownership is; as well as, what it should be. Sadly, the government’s response and lack of candor concerning COVID-19 has resulted in a widespread distrust of the information coming from the government concerning nearly every aspect of our lives. It is this distrust which drives many to simply ignore the steady erosion of their civil liberties, finding comfort in their own ignorance and the belief they have nothing to hide. But hiding anything in 2023 is nearly impossible. The cellphones we all keep at our sides twenty-fours hours a day, are in fact nothing short of surveillance devices which have an option that allows us to make calls and text our friends. Big tech wants us to believe they are looking out for our best interest by censoring free speech and canceling anyone who does not worship at the altar of climate change. Trust us they say….we know what’s best for you. The following story is true and is based on personal conversations with members of law enforcement across the spectrum of local, state, and federal jurisdictions. While none of the cops we spoke with want to be identified, fearing retaliation from their own departments, their perspective on the happenings of 2023 is nothing short of terrifying. They too are very concerned about the ongoing attack on the 2nd Amendment and the cavalier attitude which seems so pervasive in the uppers echelons of the ATF |
In the early 1950’s The Bureau of Internal Revenue was renamed and would become the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). As part of the newly named agency, the Alcohol Tax Unit’s duties would be expanded to include tax collection on tobacco as well as alcohol, and would be called The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division. In 1968 congress passed the Gun Control Act. Just as it had done in the past, our government recognized an opportunity to bring more taxes into the treasury and added enforcement of firearms laws to the duties of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division. Once again a name change would be made, and the newly empowered agency would be known as; The Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms Division and would remain under the supervision of the Treasury Department. From the earliest days, the ATF has been and remains today, a vehicle used by the government as a means to collect taxes. |
From 1972 through 2000, complaints began pouring in alleging the ATF was abusing their power. Only through Congressional investigations was it learned that the ATF relies extensively on the legal concept known as “malum prohibitum” for its prosecutions and confiscations. Malum Prohibitum is a Latin phrase which is used to describe conduct which constitutes an unlawful act only by virtue of statute, as opposed to conduct which is evil in and of itself. A clear pattern of conduct was established proving ATF Agents routinely focused on “privately held collector items rather than criminal street guns.” During these same hearing’s the ATF was forced to admit, “over seventy-five percent of the cases which were brought for criminal prosecution, were aimed at ordinary citizens with no criminal intent.” |
On April 19, 1995 at 9:02 AM, a truck bomb exploded outside the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The bombing resulted in the deaths of 163 people, including 19 children who were playing at the daycare center located inside the building. As part of his defense, a stone cold terrorist and killer, claimed he felt his life was in “imminent danger” from the Federal Government based on their actions at Waco and Ruby Ridge. In the end he died by lethal injection June 11, 2001, having never shown any remorse for his actions. |
So here we are again, only it’s 2023 and the ATF is up to its same old tricks. This time the focus is on: pistol braces, (PMF) Privately Made Firearms, and using credit cards to purchase firearms and related goods. All of these resources are being expended to make criminals out of law-abiding gun owners, while parent’s fear letting their children play outside. Our children are not safe because they are being cut down by illegal guns in the hands of known criminals. But there is nothing to see here, because no one wants to see, no one wants to admit why we have a violence problem in our country. It’s far too easy to blame the gun. Far too easy to explain that violence is the result of systemic racism, too many cops, and centuries of oppression which have gone unatoned. But all is not lost so long as we have the ATF on the job, keeping the streets safe for criminals and corruptors alike. |