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City Of Billings On High Alert After HANGMAN’S “Noose” Found After Lyle Lovett Big Band Performance—Billings Mayor Responds To Citizens

Dear citizens of Billings, 

We are aware of an image circulating on social media of a noose hanging from a light pole in downtown Billings on Sunday morning. 

The Billings Police Department received a report relating to this event, and it is being investigated as a hate incident.  The report was made by a musician in the Lyle Lovett Big Band, which performed at the Alberta Bair Theater on Sunday night.

As of Monday afternoon, the Billings Police Department does not have any witnesses to determine who placed the noose on the light pole or what their intention might have been. 

The police department has also attempted to locate cameras that might have captured footage of the incident, but to date those efforts have been unsuccessful.

The Billings Police Department is continuing to investigate this incident. If you have any information, please contact law enforcement. 

Your city council, police department, and city leaders take this matter very seriously.

We condemn any hateful speech or symbols of hate in our community. 

Bill Cole 


City of Billings 

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  1. This is so funny, The public can not depend on the Billings Police solving this or any crimes or doing anything. They hire nothing but RETARDS!.

  2. Am so tired of the racist mentality here in Billings. Sad that even in the Billings police ranks their is plenty of racism that the police project towards the public as to who they will help and who they will not help. If you’re white and they like you great. But God forbid if you are dark skinned they treat those individuals like criminals even if they, are the victims.

  3. It is my opinion, that everybody needs to arm themselves with a gun. Exercise your 2nd Amendment. After all you can NOT depend on the Billings police to protect you They have allowed crime and drugs to take over the streets of Billings. Would not surprise me if the Billings Police strung that noose up themselves After all they ARE known to plant things on innocent people.

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