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Wyoming DCI Announces Enhanced Data Base To Help Track Missing People In Wyoming

In September 2021, the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation announced the release of a web page to help track missing people in the State of Wyoming. Today, The DCI in a press release announced an enhanced missing persons web page that will be revealed on October 2.

Wyoming law enforcement agencies work cooperatively to locate missing persons.

Most often it falls upon the city or county law enforcement agency to do the boots on the ground work of locating missing persons, where DCI is positioned to fill the important role of consolidating the state’s missing persons into one database. Per Wyoming statute, the division shall “act as a central repository of information and operate a clearinghouse database on missing persons from Wyoming.” DCI has taken the internal database required by statute and made the information publicly available, engaging all Wyoming citizens in the efforts to swiftly locate the missing.

The enhanced web platform facilitates publicly sharing missing person records upon database entry, detailed views, filter capabilities, and a missing person flyer page. Now, as information is entered into the DCI database, the public will immediately be able to view the missing person data.

Additional information about the missing person will be available, including an algorithmic current age and days missing calculator. Users will now be able to filter data to find information more pertinent to their inquiry and the new web page will have a flyer view, allowing users to download and print a missing person bulletin.

As of September 2023, 86 people are reported missing in the State of Wyoming. DCI thanks our residents for their outpouring of concern, support, and assistance in locating our missing citizens.

Help by visiting https://wyomingdci.wyo.gov/dci-homepage/missing-persons where anonymous tips may be submitted.

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