PROBATION VIOLATION-FELONY 10/24/2023 20:07:00 In Custody Jessie Martinez 64 Fail To Maintain Sex Off Reg
BURGLARY-RESIDENCE 10/23/2023 22:36:00 In CustodyJeremy Merritt 20 Motor Vehicle Theft
MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT10/23/2023 22:36:00 In Custody Jeremy Merritt 20 Motor Vehicle Theft
10/23/2023 09:00:00 In Custody Lenard Stang 66 Warrant Other Jurisdiction
VIOLATION OF A PROTECTIVE ORDER-1ST MISD 10/26/2023 12:40:00 Notice to Appearn Joan Magerb 59 TRO Violation
CONTEMPT OF COURT- FELONY 10/23/2023 17:30:00 In Custody James Whiteside 30 Warrant County
In Custody CHRISTOPHER BURNS 45 Warrant Other Jurisdiction
In Custody AMANDA INGOLD 38 Warrant City
CONTEMPT OF COURT – MISD 10/24/2023 13:09:00 In Custody JAMACENA MORIN 39 Warrant County
10/24/2023 14:56:00b In Custody Christina Koch 44 Warrant City
10/24/2023 15:02:00 In Custody AMANDA INGOLD 38 Warrant City
10/25/2023 09:42:00 In Custody Steven Sadler 53n Warrant Other Jurisdiction
In Custody Anfernee Whiteman 24 Assault Fist Feet
10/26/2023 17:51:00 DRIVING UNDER INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL AND/OR DRUGS – 4th or Subsequent Offense
10/26/2023 17:51:00 In Custody Christy Davidson 59 Driving Under the Influence
10/26/2023 19:34:00 ESCAPE (OFFICIAL DETENTION) – FELONY 10/26/2023 19:34:00 In Custody Julie Balback 57 Warrant Other Jurisdiction
10/27/2023 01:51:00 In Custody Christy Davidson 59 Warrant City
10/27/2023 02:51:00 AGGRAVATED DRIVING UNDER INFLUENCE w/ 0.16 ALCOHOL-1st Offense 10/27/2023 03:04:00 Notice to Appear Zachary Barnes 26 Driving Under the Influence
10/27/2023 09:23:00 In Custody Connor Woods 25 Warrant Other Jurisdiction
ASSAULT 10/29/2023 03:37:00 In Custody ELSWORTH GOESAHEAD 23 Partner Family Member Assault