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Evidence Shows Democrats Censored Verifiable Facts That COVID-19 Jabs Were Killing Individuals According To Their Depopulation Agenda

ORLANDO, FL – A bombshell study authored by Dr. Peter McCullough and other physicians and medical researchers was quickly censored within 24 hours after its publication because it showed clear evidence that the COVID-19 shots were responsible for many deaths. Out of 325 autopsies from various global locations, the study revealed the COVID shots directly caused or significantly contributed to up to 74 percent of those deaths. 
The Lancet, a renown medical journal, published the study titled “A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths After COVID-19 Vaccination” on July 5, 2023 on its “pre-print” site while the study began the months-long peer review process. However, The Lancettook less than 24 hours to remove it citing the study fell short of the journal’s “screening criteria” and that the study’s methods did not merit its conclusions.
Dr. McCullough, an internist, epidemiologist, and one of the most published cardiologists in America with more than 1,000 peer-reviewed publications to his credit, conducted the study with eight other researchers. The co-authors included senior research scientist in epidemiology at Yale University Dr. Harvey Risch, top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and former Department of Health and Human Services official Dr. Paul Alexander. The project was approved through the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health, and Dr. McCollough said the team used a standard scientific method known as the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses to evaluate the autopsies. Dr. McCullough stated this “standard search methodology” is something he has used his “whole career.”  
Collectively, they reviewed 678 studies investigating possible causal links between COVID-19 shots and death and identified 325 autopsies meriting further investigation. The study stated each autopsy was “independently reviewed” by three physicians to determine the cause of death. The investigation revealed:
“A total of 240 deaths (73.9 percent) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 [injection].” “Among adjudicators, there was complete independent agreement (all three physicians) of [injection] causing or contributing to death in 203 cases (62.5 percent).”“The most implicated organ system [receiving fatal injury] was the cardiovascular system (53 percent)…”“Most of the deaths occurred within a week from [the person’s] last vaccination.”
These results bear similarity to a November 2022 peer-reviewed study by leading pathologist Dr. Peter Schirmacher and other top German scientists. This study examined 25 deaths finding five of them likely died exclusively from the COVID injection and all five died within 20 days of receiving the injection.  
According to Dr. McCullough, before The Lancet briefly published the study, it was rejected by both The New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association as “not a priority.” He noted that in the hours before The Lancet took it down the study had 30,000 views averaging about 20 views per minute.
Dr. McCullough has been censored before without a definitive reason. In October 2021, The Lancet’s publisher Elsevier retracted a different study he co-authored with molecular biologist Dr. Jessica Rose just days after it was published. The findings from that study showed myocarditis spiked in teenagers after COVID-19 injections. Despite being peer-reviewed, Elsevier never reinstated the study though it can be found through an internet archive.
Just as a federal judge ruled on July 4, 2023 in Missouri v. Biden that the government “pressured” social media companies to censor and suppress information critical of COVID-19 injections, Dr. McCullough and his co-author Dr. Risch think medical journals are subjected to that same external pressure.
Dr. Risch stated he believed their recent study was censored “at the behest of the Trusted News Initiative (TNI)” or a similar organization because of the study’s “strong evidence” that some COVID-19 injections have led to death. The TNI was founded in 2019 by the British Broadcasting Company as an “industry collaboration” between major news outlets and global technology companies such as Google, Facebook, and others for the purpose of combatting disinformation worldwide. TNI’s partners “alert each other to disinformation that poses an immediate threat to life…so content can be reviewed promptly by platforms, whilst publishers ensure they don’t unwittingly republish dangerous falsehoods.”
“[It’s] pure Government-directed censorship, even after the Missouri v. Biden injunction,” stated Dr. Risch. 
Dr. McCullough noted their study is the largest summary of autopsies of COVID-19 shot-related deaths and its medical censorship speaks to the importance of their findings. 
“They are trying to kill [the study] so the world doesn’t see the data,” he stated.
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