01/26/22 Sascha Hess, Cody, 30, Arrested for P&P Arrest & Hold Order, (Incident #2201260019)
2 07:49 Patrol-Extra 2201260008 Officer initiated activity at 17TH St, Cody. . Disposition: Completed.
07:50 Fraud Related 2201260009 Occurred on Park Ave. RP reporting identity theft. RP would like to speak to an officer. . Disposition:
Assistance Given.
08:40 Other Law Violations 2201260015 Occurred on Sheridan Ave. Grease left in the alley behind Millstone, RP thinks walking hazard. . Disposition:
Assistance Given.
09:18 Assist other Agency 2201260019 Occurred on Wyoming Ave. RP would like assistance from CPD with an arrest and hold for the below listed
subject. . Disposition: See Case.
10:28 Abandoned Vehicle 2201260027 Occurred at Mm Floor Coverings on Big Horn Ave.
10:39 Property-Found 2201260030 Occurred on Big Horn Ave. Found lic plate. . Disposition: Assistance Given.
10:55 Domestic 2201260033 Occurred on Pioneer Ave. Delayed, parties separated. . Disposition: Assistance Given.
11:03 Traffic Complaint 2201260037 Occurred on Blackburn Ave. Rp not at loc, unk person damaged road at busn. . Disposition: Assistance Given.
13:56 Trespass Complaint 2201260055 Occurred on B St. Rp would like the listed male trespassed from the above location. . Disposition: Unable to
14:48 Patrol-Extra 2201260059 Officer initiated activity at 12TH St, Cody. . Disposition: Completed.
14:54 Patrol-Extra 2201260061 Officer initiated activity at 17TH St, Cody. . Disposition: Completed.
15:04 Traffic Stop 2201260063 Officer initiated activity at Depot Dr, Cody. TS driver warned speed in schl zone. . Disposition: Warning
15:08 Patrol-Extra 2201260064 Officer initiated activity at Sheridan Ave, Cody. . Disposition: Completed.
15:28 Traffic Stop 2201260067 Officer initiated activity at Sheridan Ave, Cody. TS driver warned for speed, FTM lane, and dangerous animal. .
Disposition: Warning Issued.
15:57 Animal-Stray 2201260071 Occurred at A St/Big Horn Ave. Rp has in custody a brown lab named Tank -tan collar w/a phone number that
doesn’t belong to the owner. . Disposition: Unable to Locate.
17:54 Traffic Stop 2201260076 Officer initiated activity at River View Dr, Cody. TS- Dodge trk, no reg – warned for failure to display
registration. . Disposition: Warning Issued.
20:24 Traffic Stop 2201260082 Officer initiated activity at 12TH St/Sheridan Ave, Cody. TS-Driver cited for failure to signal, warned for headlight. . Disposition: Citation Issued.