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Judge Links Evidence To Potentially “Millions Of Free Speech Violations”

MONROE, LA – A federal judge issued a historic, 155-page ruling on Independence Day citing “substantial evidence” the federal government engaged in large-scale censorship efforts targeting social...

Judge Issues Injunction To Protect Free Speech On Social Media Platforms

Andrew TorbaCEO, Gab.com While we were all enjoying the fireworks on the 4th of July a significant development that could have profound implications for the...

Supreme Court See’s Through Democrat, “Diversity Charade”

Op-ed in National Review by Committee for Justice president Curt Levey, who also represented the plaintiffs in Grutter v. Bollinger: The “diversity rationale” that justified racial preferences...

Federal Court Blocks And Prohibits Biden Administration, FBI, DOD, Numerous Federal Agencies and Officials...

MONROE, LA – A federal judge in Louisiana ruled yesterday in Missouri v. Bidenthat the Biden Administration “likely” violated the First Amendment free speech rights of Americans by...

Attorney General Merrill Garland, Must Be Stopped At All Costs, He Is A Threat...

Fellow Conservative, He’s corrupted the Department of Justice.   He’s corrupted the FBI.  Merrick Garland has proven, time and time again, that he is not just willing...