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More Articles with the tag: Artic

Fight Hunger With Family Meals

Selfless ways to support community members in need (Wyoming News) With hectic day-to-day schedules and varying dietary needs, many families face the dreaded daily question:...

Judge Issues Injunction To Protect Free Speech On Social Media Platforms

Andrew TorbaCEO, Gab.com While we were all enjoying the fireworks on the 4th of July a significant development that could have profound implications for the...

If It’s Not Open Warfare, It’s Collusive Lawfare

As the Biden Administration wages war on fossil fuels, a number of cities and states are pursuing climate change lawsuits against oil and gas...

Biden Administration Environmental Injustice

President Biden's recent Executive Order requires that all federal agencies emphasize “environmental justice” in all their decision-making. Not surprisingly, the EPA wasted little time in issuing a...

Restoring trust in government by using the IQA 

The Information Quality Act defines government information as “any communication or representation of facts or data, in any medium or form.” It requires that government-disseminated...