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More Articles with the tag: EPA

China, Russia, Oil, Gas, Coal, Climate

America’s economy is struggling with high inflation and bank failures, while trying to mobilize its defense industries to assist Ukraine, especially with ammunition. Perhaps...

Keeping Your Vehicle On the Road Longer

(Wyoming News) For many families, cars are huge, long-term investments second only to homes. Many are looking for ways to keep their cars on...

1968: A Strange Time In America

Written By: Marc KelleyEver since the Chinese spy balloon was allowed to sail across our country, anxiety and feelings of uneasiness have crept into...

Make Your Job Work For You

For some people, job dissatisfaction is the result of a crummy boss or stifling work environment. For others, the problem lies much deeper; it’s...

Democrats Fortifying Themselves Against The People That They Swore To Serve

Written by Bradlee Dean Arming Unconstitutional Agencies “More than a few eyebrows were raised in 2010 when the U.S. Department of Agriculture bought 85 semi-automatic...