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More Articles with the tag: GOP

Hunter Biden and his father Joe Biden’s days of freedom may be coming to an end

Joe Biden and Hunter Biden's days being free men are more than likely numbered, as criminal charges are looming for both men. Evidence shows that...

Democrats Abuse Of Cross over Voting Coming To An End In Wyoming

2023STATE OF WYOMING23LSO-0434 HOUSE BILL NO. HB0103 Political party affiliation declaration and changes. Sponsored by: Representative(s) Haroldson, Angelos, Jennings, Knapp, Locke, Pendergraft, Penn, Rodriguez-Williams, Slagle, Smith, Strock,...

January Was Kick-Off Month For Montana Republican Law-Makers

January was a busy month for Montana Republican leaders and lawmakers. Our Republican supermajority in Helena kicked off the 68th Montana legislative session and...

Vital energy lessons for Virginia and America

Virginia’s Senate and House of Delegates will begin their 30-day session January 11. Among their first orders of business should be a concerted effort...