Wyoming Park Rangers, commonly called "red shirts," have unfortunately acquired a reputation for poor public relations. However, the Department is now actively seeking to...
The Colorado DOT has confirmed that the following roadways listed are currently closed due to severe blizzard conditions:
US 385 Cheyenne Wells to Burlington
I-76: EB...
According to the Wyoming Highway Patrol, the Wyoming News reporters were informed that 48-year-old Montana woman Angela Thomman died due to severe injuries when...
Congratulations to Ranger Harlan Kredit on his 50th summer in Yellowstone! His knowledge of Yellowstone’s history and resources have helped him become one of...
Entrances to Yellowstone National Park where closed starting June 13, 2022 because of heavy flooding, rockslides and extremely hazardous conditions. The flood has caused...
Located just 1/2 mile from Yellowstone’s northeast entrance, Silver Gate is a quiet little village surrounded by snow-capped mountains and wildlife. Take a break...