Resolution from the Central Committee of the Carbon County Republican Party.
Rescinding the Recognition of U.S. Representative to Wyoming Liz Cheney as a “REPUBLICAN” Representative.
Passed Unanimously by the Carbon County Republican Party on 7 August 2021
and submitted for consideration of adoption to the State Central Committee of the Wyoming Republican Party.
WHEREAS, The Carbon County Republican Party recognizes that an elected official of the United States House of Representatives cannot be recalled or removed from office by the electorate of their own state, or by the members of their own espoused political party; and
WHEREAS, The Carbon County Republican Party also recognizes that Wyoming Statute Title 22 does not grant the authority to any entity, governmental or private, to forcibly change any individual’s chosen registered political affiliation, without the individual who is changing their registered political affiliation choosing to do so themselves; and
WHEREAS, An extremely vocal majority of Wyoming Republicans voted in their County Parties individually, as well as in the State Party collectively, to formally censure, call for a personal appearance by, and demand the resignation of, Representative Liz Cheney, for violating the precepts of integrity and due process, for failing to faithfully represent a very large majority of motivated Wyoming Republican Voters, and for neglecting her duty to represent the will of the people who elected her as well as the political party she claims to be a member of, support, and share values with; and
WHEREAS, Previously mentioned in the resolution of censure, Representative Liz Cheney “cast her vote in favor of impeachment without any quantifiable evidence of High Crimes or Misdemeanors.” As to date, no quantifiable and or undisputed evidence has been offered by Representative Liz Cheney to defend her questionable decision; and
WHEREAS, Also mentioned in the resolution of censure, “Representative Liz Cheney stood in a leadership role within the U.S. House Republican Conference as the Conference Chair, yet by her actions, she put that role in jeopardy by violating the spirit and expected posture of a Republican leader within the House Republican Conference.” Representative Liz Cheney has since lost that position of leadership, and is now at risk of losing her committee assignments as well as her membership to the House Republican Conference itself, further devaluing the political influence of the State of Wyoming because of her own unilateral political agenda and personal actions; and
WHEREAS, To further her own personal political agenda, Representative Liz Cheney has not only caused massive disruption, distraction, and division within the House Republican Conference, but has also willingly, happily, and energetically joined forces with, and proudly pledged allegiance to democrat Speaker of the House Pelosi, as a means of serving her own personal interests while ignoring the interests, needs, and expectations of Wyoming Republicans; and
WHEREAS, Representative Liz Cheney, through her official capacity as a U.S. Representative, has chosen to reject the voices of her own constituents, her own espoused political party, and her own colleagues in the House Republican Conference, in order to continue her personally motivated witch hunt of a President who is no longer in office; and
WHEREAS, Representative Liz Cheney has attempted to legitimize her actions and personal political agenda by referring to the majority of Wyoming Republican Voters with terms such as “a misinformed mob, radical extremists, bigots, racists, promoters of the ‘big lie’, enemies of the state, conspiracy theorists, dangerous rot, & white supremacists”; and
WHEREAS, Over the past 6 months, Representative Liz Cheney has chosen not to acknowledge, respond to, or satisfy the call to “appear before this body at its next stated meeting to explain her actions to this body, the State Republican Party membership, and the entirety of the concerned Wyoming electorate” demanded in the resolution of censure; and
WHEREAS, Representative Liz Cheney has failed to recognize that her elected position is not only with the U.S. House of Representatives, or the House Republican Conference, but also with, and as an emissary of, the Wyoming Republican Party. A position of Republican emissary who was elected by a majority of Wyoming Republican Voters to represent the will, values, expectations, and the formally stated preferences of that majority of Wyoming Republican Voters; and
WHEREAS, Although the Carbon County Republican Party may have no legal standing or path to demand the formal removal of Representative Liz Cheney as the lone U.S. Representative to the State of Wyoming, The Carbon County Republican Party also has no legal requirement to personally recognize or embrace Representative Liz Cheney as an emissary, representative, friend, or ally of either the Carbon County or the Wyoming Republican Party.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, For her continued actions, statements, and despicable personal behavior since her
highly prejudicial and constitutionally offensive vote to impeach President Donald J. Trump on Wednesday, January
13th, 2021; actions that have been continually committed by Representative Liz Cheney that stand in contradiction to the
quantifiable will, expectations and principles of the majority of the liberty-minded constitutionally conservative
grassroots Republican voters of Wyoming; for devaluing the political influence of the State of Wyoming in the U.S. House
of Representatives and for the advancement of her own personal political agenda. The Carbon County Republican Party
hereby refuses to personally recognize Representative Liz Cheney as a “REPUBLICAN” Representative of Wyoming; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Carbon County Republican Party hereby adopts the attached letter penned by the Park
County Republican Men’s Club and the Park County Republican Party as our own formal position, as the inspiration for
additional action by this body, and we give all credit and recognition deserved for this action to the Park County
Republicans for their hard work, sacrifice, and risk involved in bringing their voice to the attention of the Conservative
Republican Voters of Wyoming. We thank all Park County Republicans for their courageous and selfless efforts; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Carbon County Republican Party once again calls on Representative Liz Cheney to appear before this body at its next stated meeting to explain her actions to this body, the State Republican Party membership, and the entirety of the concerned Wyoming electorate; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Carbon County Republican Party calls on Representative Liz Cheney to immediately address, complete, and submit, to any Town or County Clerk in the State of Wyoming, the attached “Wyoming Voter Registration Change Form” formally noting and confirming her official affiliation change to her now preferred political party, whichever party other than Republican that may be; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Carbon County Republican Party calls on House Republican Conference Leadership to immediately remove Representative Liz Cheney from all committee assignments and the House Republican Conference itself, to assist and expedite her seamless exodus from the Republican Party and into whichever party she will join; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, As set forth in Article I – Section 1 of the Constitution of the State of Wyoming: “All power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority… for the advancement of these ends they have at all times an inalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper.”
Additionally, as set forth in Article III – Section 3 of the Carbon County Republican Party Bylaws: “POWERS: The Carbon County Republican Party Central Committee is empowered to determine policy, to make rules, to settle disputes, and to perform all functions necessary to further and protect the interests of the Wyoming Republican Party…” [Language which is equal to the content of the Wyoming Republican Party Bylaws Article III – Section 3]
All actions of this County Republican Party cited above are fully supported as legitimate and mandated by Wyoming Statute Title 22-4-118(a)(v)(F):
22-4-118 – State convention powers and duties:
(a) The state convention has the following powers and duties:
(v) To formulate or change the rules governing the internal organizations of the party which rules must include: (F) Powers and duties delegated to county and state committees.”
Therefore, you, Representative Elizabeth Lynne Cheney, are hereby notified that as of the hour of passage of this resolution, that our “dispute will be settled” and this “necessary function to further and protect the interests of the Carbon County and Wyoming Republican Parties” shall be implemented as stated below, in accordance with our County and State Bylaws, and as supported and mandated by State Statute and the Wyoming Constitution.
LET IT BE KNOWN: Representative Elizabeth Lynne Cheney, will officially no longer be personally recognized by the Carbon County Republican Party as a “REPUBLICAN” Representative in Carbon County or the State of Wyoming, via the powers granted to us by the Carbon County Republican Party Bylaws, Article III – Section 3, as well as the powers delegated to us by the Wyoming Republican Party Bylaws, Article III – Section 3, and through the statutory authority mandated by Wyoming State Statute 22-4-118(a)(v)(F), and ultimately by the inalienable and indefeasible liberty granted us by God, protected from government infringement by the provisions of Article I – Section 1 of the Wyoming Constitution.
In short, Representative Elizabeth Lynne Cheney, as far as the Carbon County Republican Party is concerned, as it relates to your association to and recognition within the Republican Party, and in the immortal words of the 45th President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, YOU’RE FIRED!
Respectfully Submitted,
Joey Correnti IV, Chairman, Carbon County Wyoming Republican Party
(307) 477-1776
P. O. BOX 1776 Rawlins, WY 82301
Elizabeth Cheney
416 Cannon House Office Building Washington, DC 20515
PHONE: 202-225-2311 / FAX: 202-225-3057
After careful consideration of previous resolutions and censures (i.e., January 15, 2021) and numerous outcries from Wyoming citizens, Park County Republican Men’s Club will no longer be recognizing you as the legitimate Republican United States representative for Park County Republicans. Twenty (20) out of twenty-three (23) counties of the Wyoming Republican Party cast their vote in support of adopting resolutions of censure.
As authentic Republican citizens of Wyoming, Park County Republican Men’s Club has unanimously voted to exercise their right as set-forth in Article 1, section 1 of the Constitution of the state of Wyoming, which states:
“All power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety and happiness, for the advancement of these ends they have at all times an inalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper.”
Pursuant thereto, you, Elizabeth Lynne Cheney, are hereby notified that since you have chosen to no longer fulfill your duties, obligations, and your Oath of Office to the Wyoming and United States Constitutions, you will no longer be recognized as the official Republican Congressional representative by Park County Republican Men’s Club.
In Short, and in the immortal words of our 45th President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump…”You’re Fired!”
VERY Sincerely,
This letter was signed by Andris Vaskis President Larry French, Vice President, Troy Bray Secretary,
Bob Berry Treasure.
Cheyenne Office
2120 Capitol Avenue Suite 8005 Cheyenne, WY 82001
PHONE: 307-772-2595
FAX: 307-772-2597
Gillette Office
222 S. Gillette Ave, Suite 600 Gillette, WY 82716
PHONE: 307-414-1677
Casper Office
PO Box 44003, 100 East B Street, Room 4003 Casper, WY 82602
PHONE: 307-261-6595
FAX: 307-261-6597
Riverton Office
325 West Main Street, Unit B Riverton, WY 82501
PHONE: 307-463-0482