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Joe Biden, “Just Get The Dam Vaccine”

By:Bradlee Dean And Americans Were Warned At Every Given Step That This Was Coming…“Ye that put far away the evil day, and cause the seat of violence to come near;”-Amos 6:3Since the beginning of this plandemic, The Sons of Liberty have warned time and time again that this was another crisis created to bring in the desired resolve (Ezekiel 33:1-16). We knew that the “pill in the jam” was the experimental injections because we were, in fact, paying attention as to how they were teeing things up. Now, here we are with more unconstitutional measures being implemented through unlawful, forced compliance measures (Psalm 94:20) . The Gateway Pundit reported:Maryland Governor Larry Hogan on Thursday lashed out at unvaccinated people and threatened to impose new lock-downs and mandates if more people don’t roll up their sleeves and get vaccinated.Hogan said nearly 78% of Maryland adults are fully vaccinated for Covid-19, but that’s not good enough.Hogan said vaccine holdouts are falling for misinformation and conspiracy theories online.“Look, I don’t care what misinformation or conspiracy theories that you have heard. The plain and simple fact is that these vaccines are working,” Hogan said. “If you’re still unsure about the vaccines, here is the important fact for you to consider, nearly every single person hospitalized or dying with Covid-19 in Maryland right now is un-vaccinated. ”Governor Hogan threatened new mandates, school closures and lock-downs if more people don’t get vaccinated.“Those of you who refuse to get vaccinated at this point are willfully and unnecessarily putting yourself and others at risk of hospitalization and death. You are the ones threatening the freedoms of all the rest of us, the freedom not to wear masks, to keep our businesses open and to get our kids back in school and tragically it may be only a matter of time until you do get COVID-19,” the RINO tyrant said.“Please, just get the damn vaccine,” he added. https://youtu.be/xCMbCvjntD0 Notice that this extorted pawn, this controlled opposition, this blatant liar and how it is that he is reading off a piece of paper the entire time telling you what his controller would have you believe (1 Kings 13:33). Friends, he highlights all of the people in Maryland that allegedly got their experimental injections and then instantly turns to unconstitutional forced compliance tactics to force his people to take the jab. He contradicts himself every step of the way.If so many people have gotten the experimental jab, then why the use of illegal force? Why “Just get the d@#% Vaccine” if so many have gotten it? It’s because, and as I have said, they lost the narrative.Everything this said governor has said throughout this video is virtually a lie. The opposite is true. They are trying to push the lie through so that it becomes a truth to those who do not know the difference (Isaiah 5:20) https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/israel-australia-report-95-99-hospitalized-are-fully-vaccinated/ Conclusion: How many times I have reminded the American people that this would come if they did not deal with the corrupt, I know not (John 8:44). However, one thing I will remind you again, if you fail to deal lawfully with these criminal conspirators, you will lose your freedoms where, in the end, it just may even cost you your life (Jeremiah 11:9). https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/cdc-11940-dead-618648-injuries-and-1175-unborn-babies-dead-following-covid-19-shots/

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