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Ron Hill Defends His Property Rights

To the editor: Cat White’s Aug. 25th letter to the editor asks that the community “put pressure on the private citizen who owns the land” where the DON’T CALIFORNIA OUR CODY billboard is located. I am that individual, my name is Ron Hill. As a dedicated and long-standing member of this community, I’d ask you to be reminded of the following: • Private property rights – As the landowner, I have private property rights; • Business owner rights – The owner of the sign company has the right to run his/her business in any manner that they see fit as long as it is not in violation of any law in our free market system; • Freedom of speech – The individual who paid for the billboard has freedom of speech; • Interpretation – Each individual interprets the meaning of this sign differently and; • Precedent – Demanding the removal of the billboard sets a precedent to eliminate other venues of free speech in our community. Go ahead and attack me. I can handle it. However, there is zero tolerance for attacking the fundamental foundation of what makes our community and our country great – the principles of private property rights, free market business rights and the freedom of speech. Ron Hill Cody Wyoming (Mayor of Cody Wyoming wants sign down using what ever means possible) To See Ron Hill’s Exclusive interview with the Wyoming News team Click this link: https://wyomingnews.tv/news-articles/f/liberal-cody-mayor-threatens-ron-hill-over-conservative-sign

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