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We The People Freedom Gathering

Where: Veterans Memorial Park 2519 26 Street Cody, Wyoming

(by the Airport)

When: Saturday Sept 18th, 10 am to 11 am

Join fellow Park County Wyoming citizens for a PEACEFUL gathering to oppose the Federal COVID19 Vaccine (VAX) mandate and the coming VAX Passports.

Mr. Biden’s announcement on the VAX Mandate is egregious Federal Overreach, and another sign of the continued tyranny from Washington as it threatens the foundation of our Constitutional Republic.

Whether you choose to get or not get the vaccine is a personal choice.

This is about being MANDATED by Big Government in Washington DC, and NOT giving up more of our cherished freedom and States Rights.Help encourage and support our Wyoming government to protect us and oppose Mr. Biden’s administration’s overreach.

Key Note Speakers to be announced Bring American Flags, Wyoming State Flags, Gadsden Flags,Home-made signs and chairs.

Spread the word. Bring the whole family and your neighbors.Let’s send a loud and clear message to the Washington DC Swamp that Park County Wyoming is saddled up and drawing a hard line. We will not comply!!

The Federal overreach and tyrannical behaviors stop hereand now.(this is a non-partisan event)

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