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State Of Wyoming To Stop Biden Radical Vaccine Mandates In Wyo

Liberals just don’t get it yet! Wyoming and their neighboring state of Montana, are not buying into this liberal mask and vaccine shot hype.

Fortunately, the Governor of Wyoming, Mark Gordon, is taking the official steps in two different forms, calling a special legislative session and legal action to stop Joe Biden and his radical federal vaccine mandates.

The action that the State of Wyoming will take to combat Joe Biden’s unlawful reach is two-fold.

The Attorney General is preparing legal action to stop radical Democrat Joe Biden’s Demented vaccine and mask mandates he is trying to levy onto private employers forcing their employees to be vaccinated or not be able to work.

Multiple states are banning together to stop Biden, once he issues an emergency standard, Gov, Gordon indicated.

All over the state of Wyoming, people are standing up and fighting back against the radical Democrat fake hype of vaccines that the science shows does not work and that masks won’t stop viruses.

Democrats have become so deluded that they believe their own lies.

Biden is using OSHA to issue the new emergency standards for vaccine mandates.

Biden has lied to the public every time he opens his mouth. Biden has become not only a liability to America, he also is a threat to America’s national security.

Example: Just look at his Afghanistan failure. Biden has American blood on his hands.

The public must fight against any vaccine attempts by the over reaching Biden Administration.

Stop wearing masks.


Don’t vaccinate. CDC DATA reveal that those who get vaccinated have a higher chance of getting a breakthrough COVID-19 case and what has not been reported by liberal media, are the facts of many deaths of individuals who had been vaccinated.

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