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LCSD1 is Censoring Concerned Parents

Dear Friends,

We need to walk in love and logic as we contend for the hearts and minds of our children. But make no mistake, the battle for the soul of America is raging not just in DC but right here in the heartland in our own Laramie County School District Number 1 (hereinafter LCSD1).

There are two huge reasons every conservative who cares about our kids should show up at LCSD1 meeting on Monday, December 6th (6:00 p.m. in the Board Room of Storey Gym).

Here they are:

1. Parents being Censored: A parent who called LCSD1 out for the pornographic sexual indoctrination material in our Middle School and High School Libraries at the November 15th meeting was censored. Watch this video and note the long gap in the mom’s testimony (starts at about 1:43:30). LCSD1 just erased the public record of her verbatim reading from books on school library shelves.

To make matters worse, Dr. Crespo apologizes, but not for the school library books those obscene and erotic passages came from! You read that right. The superintendent of LCSD1 did not apologize for the porn being made available to our kids (see video about 1:30 mins). Instead, she apologized that the language in the verbatim quotes from books in library circulation were “not appropriate” for the board meeting audience. Are you kidding? The mother just read aloud a few examples of depraved content waiting for our kids in the school library.

Instead of allowing such factual criticism at a Board meeting and providing transparency so the public can see that problems are actually being fixed, Crespo said “We have a process to address the content level of texts and are working on a path to meet the needs of all of our students.” In effect: “you must follow our complicated system so you don’t embarrass us.” The process hushes parents seeking to expose and correct LCSD1’s failure to protect our kids from foul content.

2. The masking of our kids: My wife, Board Trustee Alicia, asked the board to re-address the ill-informed decision they made in September to mask our kids. She asked that a work session be scheduled to fix this (see video about 18:40).

No work session has been scheduled and there is nothing on this Monday’s agenda addressing this elephant in the room. Keep in mind, over 85% of our School Districts in Wyoming 41 of 48 are not masking their kids. In addition, nearly half the kids being masked in the State are being masked by LCSD1. The left-wing counties of Albany and Teton have most of the other children being masked. The child-masking advocates have dominated the debate based on shaky information. We need to speak up well, and now, or left-leaning members of the Board keep our kids masked until who-knows-when.

Action Item: Please attend the meeting.

Action Item: If you plan to speak, they have made it pretty difficult. You have to call in by close of business today/Friday, December 3rd and be one of the first 20 people to request to speak. Here is the number: (307) 771-2100. Please note that neither of these are agenda items so request to speak during the public comment time at the end that is reserved for “non-agenda” items. Prepare your comments, as you will only have three minutes.


Darin Smith

Wyoming News Syndicated
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