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Marjorie Taylor Greene, Who Decried “Vaccine Nazis,” Invested

(Marjorie Taylor Greene, Who Decried “Vaccine Nazis,” Found Investing Into Pfizer, Johnson &
Johnson, and AstraZeneca)

Marjorie Taylor Greene, Who Decried “Vaccine Nazis,” Found Investing Into Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca

by: Bradley Dean
“A Representative cannot defend a nation if he is not held accountable to its laws.”
Here we go, again. Another politician, like so many others, that publicly slams vaccine mandates-mask
wearing, found out to be just what she is, another Judas selling out her own constituents for 30 pieces
of silver (Luke 22:48).

Marjorie Taylor Green, the said representative from Georgia, the one that mysteriously appeared on the
scene to defend the God-given rights of the people, or so she would have you believe, was put up as a
warrior that takes to the battlefield in confronting the illegal mandates that the said Federal and State
governments are attempting to enforce.

How is she to defend the people when she is not held accountable to the laws? (Article II, Section 3)
Sorry to let you down, once again. Yet, this is just not the case when it comes to the likes of Marjorie
Taylor Greene.

Marjorie, like her corrupt colleagues (Ephesians 4:14), somehow enjoys playing up to the people by
claiming to be one thing when in all actuality she is just the opposite of that claim (2 Corinthians 11:14-

She, like “The best that you have been given,” magnifies the crimes that she swore to condemn
(Deuteronomy 25:1), and then does a fundraiser to accumulate wealth unto herself while justice is left
undone (Amos 5:7).

In taking it a step further…

“In 2020, at least 13 senators and 35 US representatives held shares of Johnson & Johnson, the medical
behemoth that produced the single-shot COVID-19 vaccine that more than 15 million Americans have

At least 11 senators and 34 representatives also held shares in 2020 of another COVID-19 vaccine
manufacturer, Pfizer…

Lawmakers held these investments in COVID-19-minded companies as Congress was at the center of
pandemic relief efforts. In 2020 and 2021, members of Congress voted on six relief bills together worth
nearly $6 trillion. Congress also authorized more than $10 billion to help drug companies develop and
distribute vaccines and forced health insurers to cover the cost of getting the shot.

Policymakers especially viewed the coronavirus vaccines developed by Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and
Moderna — which each spent substantial amounts of money lobbying the federal government in 2020
— as critical to helping countries around the planet overcome the grip of the pandemic…

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Republican from Georgia who has decried “vaccine Nazis” and boasted
about not getting vaccinated against COVID-19, reported owning stock in COVID-19 vaccine makers
during 2020, including Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca, according to a financial disclosure
she submitted in August.

To add more insult to more injury, Marjorie Taylor Greens slams mandates as she feebly attempts to
defend the father of the vaccine, Donald Trump, and his propaganda push when it comes to his Covid
jab stance, regardless of his attacks upon his own supporters.
Marjorie told them that would listen to her that Donald Trump is “100% AGAINST the mandates, but
he still encourages everyone to get the vaccine and booster.” And why wouldn’t she, all the while
knowing that she is invested into what Donald is selling?
https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/trump-attacks-his-own-supporters-for-not-endorsing-his-covid-19- vaccines-republicans-opposing-vaccine-mandates-own-stock-in-pfizer-moderna-jj/ ” rel=”” target=””>https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/trump-attacks-his-own-supporters-for-not-endorsing-his-covid-19-

This is confusion by design and it is upon the people who refuse to serve the Lord (Daniel 9:7).
In Conclusion: It might be a good idea for the people in this country to take care when it comes to those
they take for face value, as well as those that they support (1 Corinthians 15:33

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