Casper Police Launch Community Engagement Communication Service

Casper, Wyoming (April 13, 2022) – The Casper Police Department is excited to expand
our community engagement capabilities by launching a new communication service,
SPIDR Tech enables the Casper Police Department to send fully automated follow-up text messages to victims of crimes and 911 callers. It also allows police to close the communication loop by collecting community feedback about each person’s experience with the Casper Police Department.
How It Works
1. Citizen calls CPD.
2. Citizen receives a text alert that the call has been received, and call information is provided.
3. Officer arrives on the scene.
4. Officer clears the call.
5. Citizen receives a follow-up text with the case number, next steps, contact information, and satisfaction survey. When a citizen in Casper calls 911 or the Casper Police non-emergency line (307-235-8278) for assistance, an officer is assigned and dispatched. During the initial phone call with the dispatcher, the citizen will be asked to provide a phone number for further communication.
Following the initial phone call, the citizen will receive an automated text notifying the citizen that the call has been assigned to an officer. If the Casper Police Department’s response is delayed for a significant amount of time, due to other emergency calls for service, the citizen will receive a text notification communicating the delay. Following the citizen’s interaction with the officer, the citizen will then receive a final text notification with the case number, a link to Casper Police Department resources, and contact information. The text will also contain a link to a survey where the citizen can share their feedback about their experience with CPD as it pertains to the incident.
For Immediate Release
Not all calls for service will generate automated communications with callers. CPD has chosen relevant call natures and circumstances to ensure meaningful communications. For example, particularly serious police responses such as intimate partner violence, sexual assaults, or other violent crimes will not be included in automated communications. In these cases, direct communication with our Victim Services Unit personnel will occur.
Text messages will come from the same local number, 307-234-4723. The first text a caller receives will reference the Caller ID Number. This number can be used to reference your call when speaking with the dispatcher. The final text a caller receives will include the Case Number, also referred to as an Incident Number. This number can be used to reference the case in making records requests or following up with the officer.
Why We’re Making Changes
The Casper Police Department is proud to offer this new service to the Casper community. We firmly believe that better communication with our citizens in times they need us most is crucial. We also believe that feedback from our citizens is what makes us better and allows us to be the professional community-policing agency the citizens of Casper have come to know and respect.
“The Casper Police Department is dedicated to providing professional customer service to our community. Partnering with SPIDR Tech to launch this first-in-the-state technology is one of the many ways your Casper Police Department is striving to bring the highest standards of policing services to the citizens of Casper,” said Casper Police Chief Keith McPheeters. “Increased communication and customer service builds mutual respect and increases transparency, which inevitably establishes and builds upon the degree of trust our community has in their police department. As we continue to make meaningful changes to the way we work with our community, one of our highest priorities at the Department will always be to increase trust between our officers and the citizens we serve. We are proud to bring this service to our community.”
Who Is SPIDR Tech?
SPIDR Tech was founded by former law enforcement officers to help law enforcement agencies leverage their own data to improve public perception and increase efficiency by providing excellent customer service. Following extensive market research, SPIDR Tech designed and built the world’s first comprehensive, customer service infrastructure for law enforcement with the goal of improving communication and transparency between agency and community.
“We are excited to welcome the Casper Police Department, our first partner in Wyoming, to the SPIDR Tech family. They routinely demonstrate the value of high-quality community engagement, and we are proud to help them further their customer service capabilities,” said Rahul Sidhu, SPIDR Tech CEO.
What Happens Next?
The Department is looking forward to learning from today’s launch. Upon this phase one implementation, we will move to the next phase, which will include additional communication services for victims of crimes assigned to our Criminal Investigation Unit, as well as case management notifications related to other criminal investigations. These additional communications will bring victims closer in communication with the investigating officer in their case, increasing transparency and trust in the investigative process. The Casper Police Department is dedicated to the protection and safety of our community
through the highest standards of professionalism in police services.