Wyoming Roads Get Slick Due To Monday-Tuesday Snow Storm

The weather brought to Wyoming much needed snow which is a commodity for farmers. Wyoming needs all the moisture that mother nature hands out. Some areas received a lot and others only a sparse covering of snowfall.
A record amount of snow fell in various areas of the state of Wyoming.
Most of Wyoming received over an inch of snow except Cody, Wyoming.
Cody had only an accumulation of about 0.5 inches.
Lovell Wyoming received 5.0 inches of snow, and Ten Sleep received 6.0 inches of snowfall.
Lovell and Thermopolis both received 5.0 inches of snow. Ten Sleep reported a total of 6.0 inches of snow.
Worland came in next with 4.0 inches, followed by Meeteetse with 2.0 inches, Powell getting about 1.5, and Cody only 0.5 inches.
Because of the severity of the slick roads, the Park County School District #1 canceled classes both in Powell, Wyoming, and Clark, Wyoming. In a notification t sent to the parents, due to such severe slick roads, this caused “extremely-dangerous driving conditions,” District #1 canceled all schools.
It was the State Capitol in Cheyenne, Wyoming, which received large amounts of snowfall.
Cheyenne Wyoming received a reported 26 inches.