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The saga of hand counting of ballots in Park County continued when the County Commissioners heard from two representatives of Wyoming Rising, Rene Tafoya, and Phyllis Roseberry

By: Publius

The saga of hand counting of ballots in Park County continued when the county commissioners heard from two representatives of Wyoming Rising, Rene Tafoya, and Phyllis Roseberry. Wyoming Rising’s (WR) points were in opposition to hand counting. First, they assumed that there would be an unnecessary cost to the taxpayer. Second, this would be an illegal action, according to Wyoming statutes. Third, it would grant undue privilege to a partisan group. If this group’s request is granted, what’s to prevent any group from making these kinds of appeals, they said. Forth, thousands of Wyomingites think that hand counting is a non-issue. And fifth, this is a plan to undermine the trust of the electorate in the election process. When asked by the presenters if the Attorney General had ruled on allowing the hand count of the 2020 votes, Dossie Overfield answered, “No.”

WR further stated that only the county clerk and the Secretary of State can allow the hand count and that if the Commissioners were not careful, they “could leave themselves open to law suits.” Their final comment was, “Beware of false prophets.”

What the presentation of Wyoming Rising demonstrated was that they had not been to or just ignored the two previous presentations given by nonpartisan Boon Tidwell, Larry French and David McMillan in favor of hand counting. Their points were completely wrong, false and/or ignorant. Representing WR, were six masked individuals, as opposed to about 30 pro-hand count spectators. WR’s comment about “law suits” sounded more threatening than informative. At no time have the proponents of hand counting been menacing nor provocative. They have presented the facts with solutions. Trust in the election process has been undermined by those who would undermine this Republic, not by people who simply ask pertinent questions and who offer simple, plausible answers.

“Beware of false prophets?” Don’t know if these folks know Matthew 7:15 nor the Bible at all. But if they are going to be quoting this passage from Scripture as a point in their favor, maybe they shouldn’t be acting just like it.

VOTE Harriet Hageman if you want Wyoming freedoms preserved as our way of life.

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