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Yellowstone County District Court Criminal Cases

Thursday, July 7, 2022
DC 22-0530State of MT v James Calvin Barnes III IN-V Arraignment
(KNISELY) Co Atty-HM(dm) Public Defenders
Failure to Register as a Sexual Offender F
DC 22-0788 State of MT v Mason Niles Bonar IN-V Arraignment
(LINNEWEBER) Co Atty-SLH(ej) Public Defenders
Strangulation of a Partner or Family Member 1st Offense F
DC 22-0488 State of MT v Katie Annamarie Sanford IN-V Arraignment
(DAVIES) Co Atty-AD(ap) Public Defenders
Forgery F
DC 22-0787 State of MT v Adam Cunningham IN-V Arraignment
(HARADA) Co Atty-SLH(ej) Public Defenders
Ct1: Criminal Possession of Dangerous Drugs F
Ct2: Criminal Possession of Dangerous Drugs F
Amanda Reede
DC 19-0578 State of MT v James Edward Canda IN-V Apr BW / PV Srv Pet to Rev
(HARRIS) Co Atty-SC(av) Public Defenders
Burglary F
Mattie Yedinak
DC 08-0286 State of MT v James Edward Canda IN-V Apr BW / PV Srv Pet to Rev
(HARRIS) Co Atty-SC(av) Public Defenders
Robbery F
Mattie Yedinak
DC 09-0246 State of MT v Wesley Dean Ross IN-V Apr BW / PV Srv Pet to Rev
(HARRIS) Co Atty-VC(sh) Gregory E. Paskell
Ct1: Issuing A Bad Check F
Ct2: Theft by Deception F
Ct3: Deceptive Practices F
Ct4: Forgery F
Ct5: Theft of Identity F
Jody McLeod
DC 22-0438 State of MT v Cordelia Kay Kingfisher IN-V Omni Reset
(SOUZA) Co Atty-MRG(kc) James David Arthur TR: 8/22/22
Burglary F
See also: DC 21-1071 | 21-31273 | Sentencing – 07/21/2022
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DC 22-0360State of MT v Brianna Lee Fourcolors IN-V Change of Plea
(MOSES) Co Atty-KH(kh) Andrew M. Huppert
Ct1: Criminal Possession of Dangerous Drugs F
Ct2: Criminal Possession of Drug Paraphernalia M
DC 20-0859 State of MT v Elizabeth Diane Harpold IN-V Change of Plea/ Rev Rel Hrg
(SOUZA) Co Atty-PDV(tg) Juli M. Pierce TR: 8/22/22
Ct1: Criminal Possession of Dangerous Drugs F
Ct2: Criminal Possession of Drug Paraphernalia M
DC 20-0955 State of MT v Elizabeth Diane Harpold IN-V Change of Plea/ Rev Rel Hrg
(SOUZA) Co Atty-PDV(tg) Juli M. Pierce TR: 8/22/22
Criminal Possession of Dangerous Drugs F
DC 21-1143 State of MT v Christina Marie Boyden IN-V Sentencing
(SOUZA) Co Atty-MRG(kc) Roberta A. Drew PSI
Ct1: Criminal Possession of Dangerous Drugs F
Ct2: Criminal Possession of Drug Paraphernalia M
Ct3: Operation of Noncommercial Vehicle or Commercial Vehicle by Person Under Influence of Delta-9-
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) 1st Offense M
DC 22-0178 State of MT v Christina Marie Boyden IN-V Sentencing
(SOUZA) Co Atty-MRG(kc) Roberta A. Drew to be dismissed.
Criminal Possession of Dangerous Drugs F to be dismissed
DC 21-0817 State of MT v Marlin Jacob Lightfoot IN-V Sentencing
(SOUZA) Co Atty-BJL(tg) Myshell Lyday PSI
Criminal Endangerment F
DC 18-0118 State of MT v Jaycelynn Kaytelynn Curless IN-V PV Disposition
(SOUZA) Co Atty-MRG Natasha Hammack
Criminal Possession with Intent to Distribute F
Patrick Rogers
DC 18-1362 State of MT v Xavier Mykel Heath IN-V PV Rev Hrg
(SOUZA) Co Atty-MRG Joshua R. Kotter
Ct1: Criminal Possession of Dangerous Drugs F
Daniel Knust

DC 14-0981 State of MT v Brian Dean Pretty Weasel IN-V PV Rev Hrg
(SOUZA) Co Atty-CAM Jenna E. Fiscus
Ct1: Theft F
Tom Fulton
See also: DC 21-0863 | 21-31053 | Jury Trial Reset – 11/14/2022
DC 21-0322 State of MT v Jamie Nicole Selage IN-V Srv TMO
(SOUZA) Co Atty-MRG(kc) Blaine Bailey McGivern
Ct1: Theft F
Ct2: Obstructing Peace Officer M
Ct3: Fleeing From or Eluding a Peace Officer M
DC 20-0824 State of MT v Jamie Nicole Selage IN-V Rev Rel Hrg/ Srv TMO
(SOUZA) Co Atty-MRG(kc) Blaine Bailey McGivern
Ct1: Criminal Child Endangerment F
Ct2: Criminal Child Endangerment F
Ct3: Operating without Liability Insurance in Effect 4th or Subsequent Offense M
Ct4: Operating a Vehicle Without Proper Registration M
Ct5: Habitual Traffic Offender Operating Motor Vehicle M
DC 20-1008 State of MT v Jamie Nicole Selage IN-V Rev Rel Hrg/ Srv TMO
(SOUZA) Co Atty-MRG(kc) Blaine Bailey McGivern
Ct1: Driving a Motor Vehicle Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs F
Ct2: Habitual Traffic Offender Operating Motor Vehicle M
DC 21-0934 State of MT v Brian Wayne Jinkinson IN-V Sentencing
(SOUZA) Co Atty-MRG(kc) Jenna E. FiscusPSI
Criminal Endangerment F
DC 21-0767 State of MT v Derek Bruce Bigman IN-V Sentencing
(SOUZA) Co Atty-BJL(tg) Natasha Hammack
Ct1: Criminal Possession of Dangerous Drugs F
Ct2: Criminal Possession of Drug Paraphernalia M to be dismissed
Ct3: Obstructing Peace Officer M to be dismissed
DC 21-0908 State of MT v Derek Bruce Bigman IN-V Sentencing
(SOUZA) Co Atty-BJL(tg) Natasha Hammack
Ct1: Criminal Distribution of Dangerous Drugs F to be dismissed
Ct2: Robbery F to be dismissed
Ct3: Assault M to be dismissed
Ct4: Theft 1st Offense M to be dismissed
Tom Fulton

DC 21-0887 State of MT v Derek Bruce Bigman IN-V Sentencing
(SOUZA) Co Atty-BJL(tg) Natasha Hammack
Ct1: Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle M
Ct2: Obstructing Peace Officer or Other Public Servant M
DC 21-0900State of MT v Derek Bruce Bigman IN-V Sentencing
(SOUZA) Co Atty-BJL(tg) Natasha Hammack
Criminal Endangerment F to be dismissed
DC 21-1102 State of MT v Derek Bruce Bigman IN-V Sentencing
(SOUZA) Co Atty-BJL(tg) Natasha Hammack
Ct1: Assault with Weapon F to be dismissed
Ct2: Assault with Weapon F to be dismissed
Ct3: Assault with Weapon F to be dismissed
DC 16-1064 State of MT v Derek Bruce Bigman IN-V PV Disposition
(SOUZA) Co Atty-BJL Natasha Hammack
Ct1: Criminal Possession of Dangerous Drugs F
DC 04-0953 State of MT v Christopher Michael Cramer PV Srv Pet to Rev / Set Bond
(SOUZA) Co Atty-HEB(ma)
Ct1: Criminal Endangerment F
Ct2: Criminal Endangerment F
Amanda Reede
DC 22-0064 State of MT v Dustin Ashley Wine Srv Amnd Info/Aff
(HARRIS) Co Atty-SC(av) Juli M. Pierce
Ct1: Criminal Endangerment F
Ct2: Criminal Endangerment F
Ct3: Fleeing From or Eluding a Peace Officer M
Ct4: Operate Non-Commercial Vehicle with Alcohol Concentration of 0.08% BAC or Greater – 3rd Offense M
DC 21-0280State of MT v Hudson Douglas Heinzeroth Change of Plea
(SOUZA) Co Atty-PDV(tg) Natasha Hammack TR Past
Ct1: Criminal Endangerment F
Ct2: Aggravated Driving Under the Influence 1st Offense M
DC 21-1198 State of MT v Alvina Ann Marceau Change of Plea
(SOUZA) Co Atty-BJL(tg) Natasha Hammack TR Past
Ct1: Criminal Child Endangerment F
Ct2: Criminal Child Endangerment F
Ct3: Criminal Destruction of or Tampering with Communication Device M
Ct4: Driving While Privilege to Do So is Suspended or Revoked 2nd Offense M
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DC 21-0341 State of MT v Patrick Curtis Martin Jr. Change of Plea
(SOUZA) Co Atty-HEB(kc) Natasha Hammack TR Past
Ct1: Criminal Endangerment F
Ct2: Driving a Motor Vehicle Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs 2nd Offense M
Ct3: Fleeing From or Eluding a Peace Officer M
Ct4: Driving While Privilege to Do So is Suspended or Revoked 3rd or Subsequent Offense M
DC 22-0004 State of MT v Marvina Larae Rides Horse Change of Plea
(SOUZA) Co Atty-HEB(kc) Jenna E. FiscusTR Past
Ct1: Burglary F
Ct2: Burglary F
Ct3: Attempted Burglary F
DC 22-0023 State of MT v Kevin John Sim Change of Plea
(MOSES) Co Atty-AD(ap) Ali Moulton TR: past
Ct1: Criminal Possession of Dangerous Drugs F
Ct2: Criminal Possession of Drug Paraphernalia M
DC 21-1145 State of MT v Brittany Rae Two Bulls Change of Plea/Srv Amnd Info
(HARRIS) Co Atty-ST(ts) Juli M. Pierce TR: 7/11/22
Criminal Mischief by Accountability F
DC 21-0404 State of MT v Mark David Blackeagle Sentencing
(SOUZA) Co Atty-MRG(kc) Natasha Hammack PSI
Ct1: Criminal Endangerment F
Ct2: Criminal Endangerment F to be dismissed
Ct3: Driving While Privilege to Do So is Suspended or Revoked 1st Offense M to be dismissed
Ct4: Operating without Liability Insurance in Effect 2nd Offense M
DC 21-0571 State of MT v Mark David Blackeagle Sentencing
(SOUZA) Co Atty-MRG(kc) Natasha Hammack
Ct1: Criminal Possession of Dangerous Drugs F
Ct2: Criminal Mischief M
DC 20-0963 State of MT v Patrick Lamar Leake Sentencing
(SOUZA) Co Atty-PDV(tg) Jenna E. FiscusTR: Past
Ct1: Criminal Possession of Dangerous Drugs F to be dismissed
Ct2: Criminal Possession of Drug Paraphernalia M to be dismissed
DC 21-1086 State of MT v Patrick Lamar Leake Sentencing
(SOUZA) Co Atty-PDV(tg) Jenna E. FiscusTR: Past
Failure to Register as a Violent Offender F
Kim Grinder

DC 12-0052 State of MT v Patrick Lamar Leake PV Rev Hrg
(SOUZA) Co Atty-PDV Jenna E. FiscusTo be dismissed
Aggravated Assault F
Kim Grinder
DC 21-0167 State of MT v Turner Sky Peter-Seoun Sentencing
(SOUZA) Co Atty-MRG(kc) Natasha Hammack
Ct1: Criminal Possession of Dangerous Drugs F
Ct2: Criminal Possession of Drug Paraphernalia M to be dismissed
DC 21-1602 State of MT v Kelly Anne Richardson Sentencing
(SOUZA) Co Atty-PDV(tg) Roberta A. Drew PSI
Theft F
DC 22-0038 State of MT v Kelly Anne Richardson Sentencing
(SOUZA) Co Atty-PDV(tg) Roberta A. Drew PSI
Ct1: Tampering with or Fabricating Physical Evidence F
Ct2: Criminal Possession of Dangerous Drugs F to be dismissed
Ct3: Criminal Mischief M
Ct4: Criminal Possession of Drug Paraphernalia M to be dismissed
DC 21-1591 State of MT v Brianne Elizabeth Timm Rev Rel Hrg/Sentencing
Srv Rev Rel Petition
(SOUZA) Co Atty-HEB(kc) Natasha Hammack PSI
Ct1: Driving a Motor Vehicle Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs F
Ct2: Obstructing Peace Officer M to be dismissed
DC 08-0692 State of MT v Cheyenne Blue Big Hawk PV Rev Hrg
(SOUZA) Co Atty-BJL Jenna E. Fiscus
Assault with Weapon F
Ray Czak
DC 22-0103 State of MT v Nathaniel Armando Garcia PV Rev Hrg
(SOUZA) Co Atty-HEB Natasha Hammack
Sexual Assault F
Heather Edwards
DC 17-0436 State of MT v Jared Jake Good PV Rev Hrg
(SOUZA) Co Atty-HEB David H. Sibley
Bail-jumping F

DC 13-0879 State of MT v Patrick Curtis Martin Jr. PV Rev Hrg
(SOUZA) Co Atty-HEB Natasha Hammack
Ct1: Assault on a Peace Officer F
Kelvin Harrell
DC 15-0862 State of MT v Marc Allen Sauter PV Rev Hrg
(SOUZA) Co Atty-HEB Natasha Hammack
Ct2: Theft F
Derrek Skinner
DC 19-0725 State of MT v Amanda Violett Tate PV Rev Hrg
(SOUZA) Co Atty-PDV(tg) Jenna E. Fiscus10:00
Ct1: Criminal Possession of Dangerous Drugs F
Ct2: Criminal Possession of Dangerous Drugs F
Jennifer Tobin
DC 21-0309 State of MT v Jay Ralph Cleveland Revoke Release Hrg
(SOUZA) Co Atty-HEB(kc) Nicole R. Gallagher TR: past
Ct1: Criminal Possession of Dangerous Drugs F
Ct2: Failure to Report Death M
DC 21-1445 State of MT v Christopher Lee Widner Status Hearing
(SOUZA) Co Atty-MRG(kc) Jenna E. FiscusRe: Fed status
Criminal Endangerment F

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