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The Enemy At The Gate

Today, I went to Yellowstone Park and was hit with a ton of Patriotic bricks, not from biker veterans on their way to Sturgis, not from Wyomingites nor Trumpsters, but from fervent Chinese-born American citizens from Queens, New York. They represent the Global Service Center for Quitting the Chinese Communist Party. Their seven-car caravan is crisscrossing the Lower 48 on a quest to raise awareness of just how bad the CCP is. They are also circulating a petition that states;

               “Ever since the CCP took over China, hundreds of millions of people have been suffering from its endless deceptions and brutality. The demon CCP has plundered the ancient land of China,

and now its terror has spread globally, affecting everyone. It is time for all of us to reject its evil work and put an end to the Chinese Communist party.”

Chinese-born American citizens from Queens, New York Warning America about the dangers of China CCP who is the ENEMY at America’s front and back door.

Jenny, one of the participants, told me in no uncertain terms that, “We MUST stop communism now!” The entire group was passionate, smiling and determined. It was more inspiring than a Trump Rally, and I have been to two of those. People from all over the parking lot at the West Thump Geyser Basin were coming over to them to inquire about what they were doing and to sign their petition.

I am reminded of a recent book I read called The Middle Kingdom under the Big Sky, by Mark Johnson, 2022. Johnson relates the plight of the Chinese laborers in Montana in the late 19th century to about 1945. These were the people that built the railroads and worked the mines. No question, these folks were maligned, persecuted and segregated like no other group in American history. But what struck me about them was their tenacity. They were resourceful and united. Some of their best tactics against the injustice they suffered were to form groups and to boycott businesses nationwide, and it worked.

So when I see these Patriots eagerly spreading this message, I remember their forebears in Montana and I contemplate a few things. One, these are Americans, doing something, rather than sitting at home complaining. Two, they are the right people for the job, because many of them have experienced, first hand, the Enemy that is at our gate. Third, they are, no doubt, being watched by the CCP, and could have a lot to lose.

Their website is inspiring. Please see it at END CCP – End The Evil Chinese Communist Partyhttps://endccp.com/

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