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Is Wyoming District 24 Sandy Newsome Scared?

Photo of WY District Rep 24 Sandy Newsome

The “Friends of Sandy Newsome” AKA Cody Redcoats are spreading more hate. A recent apology by the Secretary of the Park County Republican Party addressed a non-intentional mistake made in a purely informational email. The email contained a reprint of the WyoRINO.com report that held that Noisome was at a 10% performance rating for voting against Wyoming conservatism, rather than the correct 30% number. It was a mistake that happened in transferring files, a computer glitch. Nothing was done intentionally. Well, you’d have thought the “Friends” had been slandered beyond measure and maybe someone ought to be strung up vigilante style. Makes one wonder if they don’t have some old back woods lawyer politician in their midst giving counsel.

Here’s the thing. Noisome’s record is an appalling failure either way you look at it. 10% or 30%, what’s the difference? When I went to school, 59% is an “F”, and 200% more should be 100% more.

Owing Noisome’s dreadful voting record (with Democrats most of the time,) her “Friends” spreading vicious lies in the media and putting up twice as many signs and billboards in District 24, one would think she’s scared of losing.

Well, are you Sandy? You oughta be.

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