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Rodrigo Vigner Turcios-Romero Shoots And Kills Man on County Road 161. Considered Armed And Dangerous.

Wyoming WHP and Laramie County Sheriff Department, including Colorado LEO’s, are looking for a suspect from Greeley, Colorado, by the name of Rodrigo Vigner Turcios-Romero, who shot and killed a man in Laramie County this afternoon.

According to the Laramie County Sheriff’s Office, Deputies were called out for an active assault with a gun on County Road 161 and about the 300 blocks at about 1:58 p.m. Once deputies arrived on the scene, they discovered a 37-year-old male victim shot.

The victim was taken to the Cheyenne Regional Medical Center, where the 37-year-old male victim died of his injury. According to Law Enforcement, the suspect is believed to be headed to Colorado.

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