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Mass Exodus From Public Schools Expected as CDC Committee Unanimously voted to Force All School age children to be given the Dangerous COVID Shots

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A Center for Disease Control Prevention’s (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted 15-0 today to add the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID shots to the child and adolescent immunization schedules for children who attend public schools.
This means that public schools will now be able to mandate the shots in order for children to attend public school. The Committee voted in favor of this despite receiving thousands of negative public comments.
The immunization schedule does not dictate what vaccinations are required for school entry, as only states can decide that. However, it is likely to prompt some to add the COVID vaccine to their list. Currently, more than a dozen states including Virginia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, New Jersey and Vermont, follow the CDC vaccination guidelines to set requirements for children to be educated.
There is information about vaccine laws and exemptions in every state here.
In response to today’s vote, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said, “As long as I am governor, there will be no COVID shot mandate for children in our schools.”
By adding the COVID shots to the childhood schedule, this transfers liability for vaccine injuries to the federal government’s National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). This delivers permanent legal protection to Pfizer and Moderna by allowing them to bring an FDA-approved shot to the market without facing lawsuits and bring in billions of dollars in revenues for the drug companies.
Pharmaceutical companies are not liable for injuries or deaths associated with Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) injections but can be held liable for injuries caused by a fully licensed “vaccine,” unless that shot is added to the CDC’s childhood schedule. This means liability protection also includes the adult COVID shots as well. This will allow the pharmaceutical companies to escape product liability which means the “emergency” can end, but the liability protection continues.
Yesterday, the Committee voted unanimously 15-0 for the CDC to recommend that children get the COVID-19 shots and be added to the Vaccines for Children program, a federal entitlement program that pays for vaccines for children who do not have other insurance. This was not necessary since the CDC cannot buy EUA vaccines. The COVID shots and other drugs such as monoclonal antibodies and PCR and rapid tests are unlicensed experimental products and taxpayer dollars pay for them. In fact, the CDC spends about five billion dollars annually to buy vaccines on the childhood schedule for kids on Medicaid or without insurance.
Ironically, the CDC presented data at its ACIP meeting on September 1, 2022, that confirms the COVID shots are not safe for children. The data presented were summaries of reports from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), Vaccine Safety Data Link (VSD), a private insurance-based system that monitors hospital records, and V-safe, a voluntary smart phone-based monitoring program that relies on text messages and web surveys.
The data presented at the ACIP meeting revealed that within seven days after vaccination, 40-50 percent of children 5-11 years of age reported a “systemic reaction,” 10-15 percent had a “health impact,” and 2-4 percent needed “medical care.”  Within seven days of vaccination, 60-75 percent of children 12-17 years had “any systemic reaction,” 10 to 25 percent were “unable to perform daily activities,” and 5 to 20 percent were “unable to work or attend school.” Therefore, more than 30 percent of children in this age group had a health impact after the second shot and booster dose and approximately 2 percent needed medical care.
The CDC data clearly shows that these injections are not safe for children and teens and should be discontinued immediately. Other countries, like the United Kingdom, stopped the COVID shots for children under 12 years, except for children in high-risk categories. Sweden has also decided against recommending COVID shots for children aged 5-11.
Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver said, “Every state must reject this CDC mandate for children immediately. Even the CDC’s own data reveals that these COVID shots are harming children. Pharmaceutical companies merely see children as a budget item to increase their bottom line and they continue to ignore the serious adverse events and deaths caused by these experimental shots.”

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