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Permit-less Conceal Carry Off The Charts In 21 States

The State of Texas recently joined other western states such as Montana and Wyoming, which now allow for anyone that can legally do so, are permitted to carry hand guns concealed with out a CWP permit.

Before September 1, 2021, all Texas residents who wanted to carry a hand gun concealed had to apply for a state license to carry concealed. In Texas, an individual could carry a hand gun in public if it was open carried. Much like Wyoming and Montana used to be.

After September 1, 2021, Texans can carry handguns concealed with out a permit.

Across the nation, thanks to the liberal WOKE Democrats bad behavior, 21 states allow permit-less concealed carry.

Crime should drop in all 21 states as criminals soon find out that when they are committing a violent crime, they just might end up being on the end of a barrel of a hand gun from a person who carried concealed in order to protect themselves and their families.

In the state of Wyoming, violent crime have already dropped including in Montana and Texas.

According to the FBI Crime Data, states that allow permit-less concealed carry, have experienced a 10.1% reduction in crime categories across the board, such as, murder; 8.1% in aggravated assaults, and over a 5% reduction in rape crimes. Robbery has dropped by 2.8%. If every state would adopt the right to carry a weapon concealed, if legally allowed to do so, crime would be drastically reduced nation wide.

Of the 21 states who allow concealed carry without permits, the Law enforcement in those states, feel that a presence of concealed firearms is a big deterrent to crime. Good people with guns translates out to a reduction in crime by bad people.

All the LEOs in these 21 states agree, that 90% of their departments like the idea of concealed carry in their communities, towns, cities, and counties. In Wyoming, citizens feel that this allows them to have the right to freely defend themselves, if needed, against a violent criminal. Not all violent criminals have or use guns during their crimes, but all violent criminals use some sort of weapon while committing violent crimes against another person.

Permit-less Coceal Carry OFf The Charts In 21 States

According to the National Opinion Research Center, the state shows that 69% of individuals who carry guns, concealed or open, feel that they are safer. It is an implied right of the second amendment

Concealed carry individuals follow the law, as they respect the law and the law of using the gun only in dire situations only. The average response time for police to respond to an emergency is about 10 minutes depending on the traffic.

Officers can do little to prevent a violent crime from occurring, but a hand gun in the hands of a legal permit-less concealed carry individual can prevent a crime from either taking place or others getting harmed by a violent criminal.

Police have the role of investigating a crime after the fact of it being initiated by the criminal.

The United States Supreme court has ruled that a police officer does not have a legal duty to protect it’s citizens against the commission of a violent crime…

Based on this sad legal fact, this sets the standard in America, that having a permit-less concealed carry society makes it reality that the average person can respond as necessary should they be faced with a violent criminal who’s intent is to cause a dangerous incident and where the violent criminal intends to harm or kill.

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