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All-Time High Law Enforcement Deaths in 2021

The Liberal radical Democrats have pushed this country in to chaos. In the year 2020, an unfortunate death of a man by the name of George Floyd happened. Suddenly BLM, ANTIFA and the RADICAL SOCIALIST DEMOCRATS poured gasoline on an already tense incident.

The BLM, ANTIFA and the RADICAL DEMOCRATS dived deep into gas lighting that then sparked an emotional protest all across the United States, mainly in large Democrat run states and cities.

These fools were directing anger towards all police officers in every state and every town with baseless emotional Democrats bull. Because of the actions of radical Democrat nut wings.

The death of George Floyd in 2020 sparked protests across the country and anger at police officers. This also led to an increase in officers killed in the line of duty. The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund reports that while there was no similar outrage at George Floyd’s death in 2021, this year saw a record number of police officers being killed in the line of duty. Estimates show that at least 447 officers were killed in the line of duty. 15% of them were ambush killings.

It is far time that Americans stand up and support their local and state law enforcement officers. Next time you see one, take the time to tell them that you appreciate them and value them serving and protecting the community.

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